Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Tips - How to Quit Smoking For Good!

Written by V Pender on 10/29/2008

You know smoking kills 120,000 just in the UK every year, but you continue to do it... You know smoking causes lung cancer, kidney cancer and a variety of other cancers, but you can't stop... You know cigarette smoke is packed with 4000 compounds, most of which are toxic and damaging to your cells, but you can't help but to resist breathing in that smoke...! I know how you feel, because I used to be a chronic smoker, but now I'm cigarette-free and trust me, it's worth it after you pass that big, big hurdle. If you're looking for tips on how to quit smoking, I'm going to tell you about a natural way where you can quit smoking by today, and quit smoking for good.

We all have different reasons to smoke. For me, every time I took out a cigarette it was like a 5 minute vacation away from life and stress. Just standing there and actually absorbing what goes outside your walls for a change is rather insightful. Also, you never know who you're going to meet when smoking cigarettes. Have you ever had random person walk up to you and ask, "Hey, you got a lighter by any chance?" You reply, "Yeah sure," light them up, and the next thing you know you guys are talking about ways to stop global warming. Ironic, isn't it? Finally, for $5 bucks a pack, you get to skip breakfast, lunch, and maybe even dinner. This may be helpful if you're always on the go and don't have time to sit down and properly have a large meal.

The thing is, smoking in the long run WILL kill you faster than if you don't, and knowing this, I came to conclusion that my life duration is worth more to me than to give it up over something that I could cure myself. You shouldn't have to go through days feeling weaker and getting light headed just to get that "high." If you're having trouble with quitting smoking, here are some tips to help you out.

#1 Tips: How to Quit Smoking

Think about actually quitting! Often times, smokers quit for a day or two, then go back at it within 3 to 6 months. Don't be discouraged if you end up going back, as long as you're constantly training your mind to quit smoking, this will be a good starting first step.

#2 Tips: How to Quit Smoking

Write down some of the worst case scenarios that will motivate you to quit smoking. Hang pictures of rotten tar in your bedroom or tell yourself how ugly, and yellow you're teeth will look after a pack of cigarettes in a day. There are many consequences of smoking and rather than see them in a negative light, you should use them as a positive way to help you quit smoking.

#3 Tips: How to Quit Smoking

Spend some time on preparation. Don't just go into an "I wish to quit smoking epiphany" and not have a clue to where to start. Write down a plan of when you're to start to quit smoking, what time you're not going to smoke, by what day to you expect to quit and so on. Start small. If you smoke 10 cigarettes a day, cut down 1, then 2... eventually you'll find yourself smoking 1 cigarette a day and then you can work your way from there.

If none of these things work, then you may be interested in learning about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It's a natural way that will help train your mind to quit smoking and has worked well to help thousands of people quit. Even if you think that there is no way for you to quit smoking, it's not true! With the correct mindset, you can do stop smoking cigarettes by today and stop smoking for the rest of your life.

Don't let cigarettes take over you're life! If you want to learn more about NLP, and how to permanently quit smoking, visit this website: Learn to Quit Smoking Today!

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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