Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

How to Quit Smoking For Good - And Never Look Back!

Written by V Pender on 6/29/2009

Oddly enough, almost everybody quitting smoking wants to quit for good. It's baffling, then, why so many of them choose methods that aren't really designed to work terribly well.

Almost all quit smoking programs work on the concept of distracting you from your urge to smoke. Nicotine replacement is the most prominent here: you wear the nicotine patch to avoid the tiny physical withdrawal symptoms that trigger your mind to crave cigarettes.

Thing is, that's kind of a backwards method of doing things. You don't cure a mental problem by treating the physical symptoms, you should endeavor to treat the root cause: connections in your mind between events during the day and smoking a cigarette.

The best way to get started, then, would seem to be to start replacing things that normally make you want to smoke with, well, something other than smoking. You could do what I did for some time and gnaw on toothpicks, but that just ends up messing your teeth up. Hard candy is another classic idea, but then you end up getting fat from eating hundreds of pounds of candy every day. Not so good.

Assuming that your goal is to quit smoking without weighing more than a school bus, you need to find a way to remove your mind's urge to smoke without replacing it with something detrimental to your health. How? Easy. Make your mind realize that it can work perfectly fine without smoking.

Do non-smokers need to go out and smoke after eating lunch? If they did, they wouldn't really be non-smokers, would they? In the same vein, you don't need to go out and smoke, you just think that you do. Granted, cigarettes are specifically designed to reinforce those thoughts. If they weren't, not very many people would smoke.

Your mind is really no different than one of a non-smoker, except that cigarettes have you convinced that you need them to survive through the day. Want to remove those urges that cause you to smoke after everything? Take a look at to learn how to kick the habit!

how to quit smoking for good

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What's the Best Way to Quit Smoking? And Yes, There Really is a Quit Smoking Laser

Written by V Pender on 6/29/2009

There are a ton of different ways to quit smoking available to you. There's nicotine replacement therapy (which includes the nicotine patch and nicotine gum) as well as a variety of pills and sprays. I even saw an ad once for a quit smoking laser. Yes, a laser.

One would think that, as a result of competition, over time people would find a couple of pretty good ways to quit smoking, and then everybody would hear about it and then nobody would smoke any more and life would be good. Yeah, that hasn't quite happened yet. Instead, we have a world filled with people who either chain smoke or try to quit by slapping on a nicotine patch or popping whatever the latest trendy quit-smoking pills is these days.

Surprisingly, nothing seems to quite work. The only people who manage to quit smoking end up being massively irritating because their nicotine withdrawal drives them absolutely insane. I think that's the only thing that sounds less fun than the laser, and the laser sounds like it would probably hurt.

So, what? Well, the problem is that everybody tries to quit smoking in a horribly backwards way. All the pill-popping patch-slapping people in the world all happily think that smoking is a physical addiction that can be cured by, say, a laser-beam to the head. Probably, but you'd be without a head, and that doesn't really solve anything, does it?

Either way, the proper way to quit smoking is to realize that smoking isn't addictive because your body is addicted to it, it's addictive because your mind wants it to be. You've convinced yourself that you absolutely need cigarettes to live through the day. You need a cigarette to be on the phone, you need a cigarette after you've talked to your boss, etc. You don't. What you instead need to do is realize how much your mind is merely connecting the two things, when really there is no connection.

Non-smokers don't need cigarettes to deal with their bosses, they go home and drink themselves under the table like the rest of the happy world. The only difference is that you're more broke because you have to buy cigarettes when you go to buy booze.

To learn more about quitting smoking, take a look at my article why is quitting smoking so hard? and What's the best way to quit smoking?

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The Quit Smoking Symptoms You Should Know Of
div style=clear:both;/divpThere are a number of withdrawal symptoms that you will experience as a smoker when you attempt to quit smoking. The severity of the...

What Are the Easiest Ways to Stop Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 6/26/2009

You don't want to be like everyone else who quits smoking. You know what I mean, the ones that always talk about how hard it was to quit smoking, how much of a struggle it was, and then you see them smoking a few days later. You just want to quit smoking and be done with it!

If only they knew what you're about to learn, they wouldn't become such hypocritical annoyances. You're not going to be like them, because you're going to quit without having to constantly look over your shoulder, worrying about relapsing.

The trick to quitting smoking is to not make a big deal out of it. You're not making a life change, you're not doing anything major that you need to be worried about. You don't want to set a quit date, because that just makes it seem more ominous. Instead, you just want smoking to disappear from your mindset as things that belong in your life.

This is easier than it sounds. You first need to recognize the ways that cigarettes are tied to you. Despite what everybody else tells you, your body doesn't crave cigarettes. Just the opposite, it absolutely hates them. On the other hand, your mind is convinced that, for some reason unknown to it, you need cigarettes to survive. Once you break your mind's association with those cigarettes, you will be able to walk away from them without looking back even once.

It's important that you realize this before trying to quit smoking, because trying to treat your cigarette addiction as a physical one will only leave you arguing with yourself over cigarettes.

To learn more about how cigarettes affect your mind, take a look at this site on how smoking addictions work.

what are the easiest ways to stop smoking?

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Great Ways to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Written by V Pender on 6/26/2009

There are a ton of ways to quit smoking out there, some of which work and, well, some that don't. While quitting is something that you have to decide to do, here are a few ways to help yourself along the way!

Cold Turkey. Many people scoff at quitting cold turkey, but it deserves more credit than it gets. Want to quit cigarettes as fast as possible? It sounds ridiculous now (you're probably thinking: how am I supposed to just stop? It's an addiction!) but read on and you'll discover that it's not that terrible.

Distraction. Hand in hand with cold turkey, the whole reason why cigarettes are so "hard" to quit is because everybody sits around and thinks about them so much. Keep your mind occupied, and you won't feel the need to smoke all the time.

Think about the times that you've tried quitting, and how that miserable last thirty minutes was spent arguing with yourself over whether or not you should go have "just one cigarette." If you're busy doing something you enjoy, you aren't going to think about that cigarette.

Above all, avoid Nicotine Replacement Therapy. You're trying to quit cigarettes, not replace them with something just as bad! Many people quit smoking only to become addicted to nicotine gum, which is even more expensive than cigarettes. What's worse, you're keeping nicotine levels in your system up, which has all kinds of fun side effects that you don't want to experience (ask someone who has used the nicotine patch about their dreams while using it, you won't like what you hear!)

You know how so many people tell you that it's impossible to quit smoking? It doesn't have to be that way! With the EasyQuit System you can quit and just move on with your life, forgetting about all those silly cravings.

Great ways to quit smoking cigarettes

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You Are the Only One Who Can Help You Stop Smoking

Written by V Pender on 6/24/2009

You read that right. Your best friend, your mom, and your doctor can't help you stop. Sure, they can give you a ton of advice of varying degrees of usability, but none of them can get you to stop smoking.

Let's say that your parents don't smoke. You could try spending a week at their house (something most people can't afford to do, but bear with the example for a second) and, crazily enough, even go for a week without smoking. What happens when you come back home though?

If you guessed, "you light up a cigarette," you're right. You could even go on vacation and not smoke for a few weeks, come back, and still want to have a cigarette. That's because smoking isn't related to nicotine levels in your body or anything like that. You want to smoke because you're trained to keep on smoking.

That's why nicotine replacements will never work for you. You put your patch on for a few days, feel great, and then meet up with a few of your friends and start smoking again. Not helpful.

If you want to quit smoking, you need to untrain your mind from smoking. For however long you've smoked, you've become accustomed to the idea of having a cigarette whenever you feel stressed, or whenever you have a free moment to "get away".

As long as you still believe, in the back of your mind, that you want those cigarettes as a breather from life, you're going to continue to be addicted. Granted, it's not that easy. Your mind doesn't want to let go of cigarettes. It's grown quite accustomed to them, in fact, and it doesn't quite want to give them up.

If you want to learn more about how your mind is the sole reason why you smoke, take a look at How Smoking Addictions Work and how to break them!

you are the only one who can help you stop smoking

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Quit smoking with use of a vaporizor

Written by V Pender on 6/24/2009

Vaporizor offer an alternative to inhaling noxious smoke from herbs or tobacco, you can extract the essential ingredients without emitting harmful smoke. Premium vaporizor is also available in the market, using which tar along with carbon monoxide and carcinogens present in smoke can be easily eliminated and prevent damage to lungs.

Complete range of vaporizors is available in the market:

--vapir one 5.0 is available at price of 149$.
--volcano vaporizor costs around 539$.
--vapor cannon vaporizor is of about 159$.
--hotbox vaporizor costs around 149$.

Vaporizor can be predicted as a perfect solution to quit smoking. It still consists of all the active chemical ingredients out of herbs but without the harmful smoke. It is a simple machine, suitable for home use at different geographical location.

All you have to do is to just chop your herb or tobacco. Then place them onto the thermo engineered bowl, where it will be gently heated until the resins inside the herbs actually get hot enough to get vaporized. The small resins of plants actually consist of chemicals within it which vaporize out into a thin mist which is meant to be inhaled.

Thin mist of vapor is gathered inside a clear glass dome and is ready to be inhaled through the long tube according to its need. Once the herbs are being fully vaporized, we will be left with the brown remains of the plant material with all the good content vaporized out.

It takes about 6 minutes to reach a desired vaporization temperature to begin the process of inhaling. We must start inhaling the content as soon as the herb starts to vaporize, in order to avoid vapor to condense on the top of the globe. The highest temperature of vaporizor is approximately around 200 degree Celsius.

It is very important to leave the vaporizor at on status without any herbs in it, when using it for the first time. In order to void grime get dispersed into the air, clear glass dome must not be inserted before this. Vapors emitted from it must not be inhaled as they are simply grime generated during the manufacturing process. Once completed with use wipe off the residue with cloth.

Do not touch the heating elements as it gets extremely hot.

You can switch on the vaporizor by turning its black knob in clockwise direction. You will feel a small click when a vaporizor is turned on. At the top of the yellow shaft, under the rubber mould. A red light will appear. Turn the knob in clockwise direction s far as you can move it. Extreme point will be the point with highest temperature of about 300 degree Celsius, and to decrease the temperature turn it in anticlockwise direction. And turn it in the anticlockwise direction to reduce the temperature, minimum temperature for a vaporizor before the off position is generally 110 degree Celsius. Turn it in anti clockwise direction extreme then the red light will turn off. As you turn the vaporizor from minimum to maximum you will see the red light on the vaporizor become brighter.

In order to get most out of your herbs cut your herb up so it is quite fine. Place the herbs evenly over the hot plate. Set your vaporizor to the desired temperature. When a certain fine mist appears at the top of the clear glass dome, its time to start inhaling.

Gotvape is a leading Vaporizer Instructions store. It's mission to become #1 website for Make a Vaporizer and Extreme Vaporizer searches.

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How to Quit Smoking Without the Nicotine Patch

Written by V Pender on 6/21/2009

Want to quit smoking, but you don't want to waste your time with scams and snake oils like the nicotine patch? Learn how easy it can be to kick cigarettes from your life for good!

What's Wrong With The Nicotine Patch?
There's a fundamental flaw with the way that the nicotine patch tries to cure the smoking addiction: it treats it as a kind of disease. Many people believe that your body craves cigarettes as a result of nicotine and, as such, believe that you can cure your addiction with some kind of physical supplement.

However, your addiction to cigarettes has nothing to do with your body's needs and everything to do with how much your mind is tied to cigarettes. Break your mind's connection with cigarettes, and you'll be able to quit and never, ever look back!

So, What Actually Works For Quitting?
The first step is to realize that your addiction to cigarettes is based solely on conditioned response. Remember Pavlov's dogs and how they were trained to salivate when they heard a bell ring? Your mind works exactly the same way. Stressed? Smoke a cigarette! Just got off from work? Smoke a cigarette!

It would be hard to train Pavlov's dogs to stop salivating by sticking nicotine patches on them (pardon the bad example), and likewise would it be hard to train yourself to stop wanting a cigarette through the same. To quit, you need to realize that your mind is set up to react to smoking triggers.

Ready to free your mind from those triggers? The EasyQuit System is a quit smoking method that focuses on breaking your mental ties with cigarettes. Ready to amaze your friends with how easily you've dropped that smoking habit? Click here to pick up your copy!

How to quit smoking without the nicotine patch

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Ways to Quit Smoking That Work (Isn't That What Everyone Wants?)

Written by V Pender on 6/21/2009

Sure, there are billions of ways to quit smoking out there. You've got patches, gums, pills, breathing exercises, meditation, and all sorts of other funny business that, really, isn't all too convincing.

You don't want to drop a bunch of money on, say, nicotine replacement therapy. Why? No guarantee, costs quite a bit, and as if you need another reason, absolutely dismal success rates. 7%? You don't want to mess with something that works 7% of the time, you want to quit smoking, right now, and not have to think about the damned cigarettes any longer!

That's the important part: right now. When you've actually quit smoking and become a non-smoker, you'll know it. You won't feel worried that you'll relapse, you'll know, through-and-through, that you aren't a smoker any more. Most cures out there just leave you as a smoker that just...isn't smoking at the moment.

Nicotine patches are great for this: you keep the nicotine levels up in your bloodstream, so smoking a cigarette is just a nice transition away from the patch and, worse, away from $35 or so. Not so good.

What you need to do to quit smoking is to break your mind free from cigarettes. You need to break the connections that your mind has between various events in your life (talking on the phone, talking to your mother in law, whatever) and lighting a cigarette.

Why? Smoking isn't actually something that affects you physically. Sure, there is a slight physical element to cigarettes, but it's largely a mental addiction. Your mind tells you that you want a cigarette, so you go smoke a cigarette.

Want to break free from your smoking addiction? With the EasyQuit System you'll discover just how easy dropping smoking can be.

Ways to quit smoking that work

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Alcohol and Quitting Smoking - You Don't Have to Stop Socializing to Stop Smoking

Written by V Pender on 6/19/2009

Drinking is one of those things that many people say will cause you to relapse into smoking. When you quit smoking, you're supposed to quit drinking, partying, and seeing your friends...and that doesn't sound fun at all. It's enough to make you not want to quit smoking.

Well, luckily that's not the case. You don't need to stop drinking to quit smoking. If you were to quit smoking the way that almost everyone thinks how people quit, however, you would have to quit drinking, or really doing anything at all, because all of those things can make you pick up smoking all over again...if you've quit the wrong way.

So, you're asking, what's the right way to stop? The way I see it, there are two ways that people quit smoking. They either force themselves to not smoke, or they become non-smokers.

There's a difference between those two. Someone who forces themselves not to smoke still wants to smoke, they're just denying themselves cigarettes. Someone who has become a non-smoker couldn't really care less about smoking. As such, someone who has become a non-smoker could easily go to the bar or hang out with their friends without wanting cigarettes, because they don't want them anyway.

In other words, the best way to quit smoking is to not want to smoke any more. If you don't want to smoke any more, then you won't think about cigarettes when you normally would, because you don't feel the need to smoke.

Now that we've figured all of that out, you're probably wondering just how you go about stopping your want for cigarettes, since otherwise all we've done here is change the name of the problem without really coming up with a solution...

Want to know how to stop wanting cigarettes? Read this book on quitting and by the time you're done, you won't want to smoke any more. Sounds scary? The book even asks you to smoke while you're reading it. Pick up a copy and become a non-smoker today!

alcohol and quitting smoking

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Why is it So Hard to Quit Smoking? (It Doesn't Have to Be!)

Written by V Pender on 6/19/2009

Just over a year ago, I found myself asking the same question. Smoking was making me feel awful and draining quite a bit of money from my pockets.

As a pack or two a day smoker, I barely had the lung capacity to do anything. I couldn't go through anything without smoking several cigarettes, and if I went to the bar I was looking at spending probably a good ten to fifteen dollars on cigarettes alone.

I was addicted to smoking. That part was obvious. Sure, I tried quitting. I tried the nicotine patch, I tried cold turkey, I tried some sort of hokey pill, and none of them worked. Why? Because I believed that I needed cigarettes to go on with my life.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking? Because you think it is. That's the only reason. You can't quit smoking because you don't think that you'll be able to. You tell yourself that you aren't going to smoke, when you still want to keep smoking. Denying yourself something while still wanting it is dang near impossible, as I can tell you from experience.

When you've quit smoking, you won't have to have quit for 6 months or any set period of time. You'll know you've become a non-smoker because you won't want cigarettes any more. You will have moved on from smoking, because you will have told your mind that it doesn't need cigarettes to keep functioning. You won't be lying to it either, merely unraveling its confusion as a result of smoking.

This all probably sounds quite bizarre to you. You want to quit smoking for your health, but you still want to keep smoking because it makes you feel good, right? Read over this book and you'll see that you're deluding yourself.

why is it so hard to quit smoking?

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How to Stop Smoking Today

Written by V Pender on 6/17/2009

The worst thing you can do towards quitting smoking is to put it off. Setting quit dates and making doctor's appointments are all just ways to put off something that you've built up a fear of doing. Quitting smoking isn't hard though, you just have to go about it the right way!

The reason why so many peoples' quit smoking attempts fail is because they try to push it off to another day or, even worse, try to cure it with nicotine replacements and the like. A quick glance at the success rates (Hint: they're under 10%) and the complete lack of any guarantee should be enough to turn any sane person away, yet people keep buying them.

Setting a quit date is even worse, because it builds up even more apprehension towards quitting smoking, making you savor those last few cigarettes before you finally "give them up" from your life. The most important thing to remember when quitting smoking is that you aren't giving something up, you're just getting it out of your life. You don't like smoking, so there's no reason to give it any sort of importance.

To quit smoking, you need to learn just how cigarettes have gained a hold on your mind. Right now (but not for much longer!) you're convinced that you need a cigarette right after you get off work, or when you're feeling stressed. The key to quitting smoking that nobody ever talks about is that re-training your mind away from these simple connections is all that you need to do to quit!

If you want to learn more about how your mind is addicted to cigarettes (and not your body) take a look at this article on how smoking addictions work and how to break them.

How to stop smoking today

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How to Quit Smoking Without Nicotine Therapy

Written by V Pender on 6/17/2009

Tried Nicotine Therapy? Didn't work? Not surprising, really, since it runs off a system that's pretty much doomed from the get-go.

What's so wrong with Nicotine Therapy?

It tries to treat smoking addiction in the wrong way. You don't need something to let you off nicotine nicely, you need to train yourself to not want cigarettes.

Note the difference: you aren't quitting nicotine, you're quitting cigarettes. This is important because, after all, you aren't addicted to nicotine. Do you go to your friends and say, "hey, you got some nicotine?" No, you ask for a cigarette. It might seem that they're one and the same, but they're quite different.

What's the Difference between a Nicotine Addiction and a Cigarette Addiction?

You're not addicted to nicotine, you're addicted to cigarettes. You enjoy spending your free time relaxing and having a cigarette, not introducing nicotine into your bloodstream.

So, What?

You want to quit smoking cigarettes, but the nicotine patch is completely the wrong way to go about it. You need to understand that your addiction to cigarettes is based off of your need to have a cigarette, and it has nothing to do with what's in them.

That's the reason why nicotine patches fail so often: it's like treating a broken leg with a bunch of painkillers. It might make you feel good for a while, but it doesn't actually solve the problem now, does it?

Alright, enough badmouthing replacement therapy! You want to stop your cravings for cigarettes, not learn more about something that you want out of your life!

What you need is called the EasyQuit System, which is a book that, through a bunch of processes that have really long names, shows you just how to completely remove cigarettes from your life without looking back. To pick up your copy, head over here: The EasyQuit System

How to quit smoking without nicotine replacement therapy

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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