Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Quit Smoking Effects - A Timeline of What to Expect When You Quit Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/29/2008

Did you know that on any given day, there are millions of smokers looking to quit smoking? But what are the quit smoking effects on your body, your health and well being? How soon can you expect to see positive changes? Is it worth the struggle? We've created this list of the estimated effects on your body, and what you should expect:

Here's a brief timeline of what to expect:


 Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate decrease, and the body temperature of your hands and feet increase to normal levels. The carbon monoxide found in cigarettes decreases your bodies ability to deliver oxygen.

Within 8 short hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood decreases to normal. Your blood oxygen level can now return to normal.


At 24 hours, your risk of having a heart attack begins to decline.


Stick it out for 48 hours, and the damaged nerve endings regrow and the ability to smell and taste is enhanced. (Bet you missed this!)


The time between 2 weeks and 3 months, your circulation will greatly improve, (This increases stamina and your overall fitness) and your coughing and wheezing should dissipate. Your lungs ability to function should be greatly improved at this point.


In 1 to 9 months, you'll happily see your coughs, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease as your lungs continue to heal.


In 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease and even heart attacks will be reduced to just half that of a smoker.


Anywhere from 5 to 15 years, you have reduced your risk of having a stroke to that of a person who has never smoked.


In 10 years, lung cancer risk drops significantly along with your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus.


In 15 years, the risk of early death normalizes to similar levels of someone who has never smoked.


As you can see, the health benefits of quitting smoking are almost immediate. If you've been smoking for any length of time, then you already know that the damage to your health has been progressive. Expect the same of the healing process. The longer you remain smoke free, the better your well being. Of course first you must get the process started. The quit smoking effects on your health are definitely worth it.  Where will you begin? What are the best quit smoking methods? What works and what doesn't? Well we have you covered there as well.

Would you like more useful articles and tools to help you quit smoking right now? Visit:

PS - We just added a review of the best quit smoking programs with a 90%+ success rate! Check it out along with the Quit Smoking Effects article series!

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Stop Smoking For Beauty and Health - And Stop Depression

Written by V Pender on 11/29/2008

I have been smoking since I was 13 years old. Started like most people, because it's cool, my older sister is doing it, why can't I? The problem is, when you first start out, your body is strong and nothing has really harmed your lungs and mind and heart the way smoking does, so you can take the punch for a very long time.

But when you get older and you really become an addict of smoking cigarettes the big battle starts. Most younger people I talk to about the addiction has the same (his talking non-sense state of mind), and I think personally this is the downfall of many.

My most recent shock treatment was my neighbor at my business. He is about 5 years older than I am and he smokes between 20 and 30 a day. All was fine and one day I saw him with a massive swelling in his neck. He said it started small and in one weeks time it just swelled up bigger that a tennis ball. Cancer of the mucous glands, caused by smoking. The time he found out about it is actually to late, the cancer has spread through his whole body and he had to go for a lot of very harsh treatments, just to buy him more time.

The realization my neighbor was going through was that he had 3 young daughters and wife that he was going to leave behind. He started sorting out his business so his wife would be able to run it from home and had to get a lot of things in order, before he... DIES!! Imagine for one moment being is his shoes. In the prime of your life, everything to live for and the one thing that you thought was a comfort when you stress out or just want to relax or have a coffee and smoke. This long time friend turns on you in your prime and robs your children of a father, your wife/husband of a life time friend. Everything you have done up to now for nothing.

Now, why do we still do it? Why can't we kick this habit? It's actually so easy, we just make it hard. It's all in the mind, the physical addiction to nicotine it not the problem, that's over in one week. The problem is the habits that go with the addiction. The party where you have the smoke and drink. The friends you built up in your life, who mostly smoke. The morning coffee and smoke. The time killer, ice breaker you made yourself believe smoking helps you with.

But if you just make a shift of mind and start focusing on the bad things smoking causes and start cultivating a hateful relationship with your deadly ex-friend. Focus on the smelly clothes and fingers. The awful smelling and tasting breath you started getting use to.

The shortness of breath when you walk to fast or climb a staircase. Not smelling or tasting like you have to and most important, do you want to take the chance of ending your great life earlier that you have to and even maybe ending it very sick and stuck on machines to help you breath, just go visit the cancer ward at you local hospital, it's scary man!!

My wake up came with my neighbors sad story and then I got a lump in my neck, went to the doctor and had a bit of a talk with him about cancer and he confirmed how dangerous smoking is, because he told me that I shouldn't only think smoking will cause cancer in the mouth area, smoking runs through the blood and tends to pop up cancer all over the body.

I hope this article scares and disturbs everyone who reads this and I hope that my words would get imprinted into the back of your mind, because keeping all this in mind will fight each cigarette from now on, one by one. Start talking to every smoke and tell him how much you hate him and put it out half way and repeat in you mind, IT'S YOU OR ME.

For more info on how to stop smoking with a couple of great programs, some of them even being self hypnosis. Visit my blog at:

If I can help even one person to stop smoking, it will be all worth it. Because in doing so, I could have saved someones life. So keep this in mind, because smoking in front of people or children, you become a living advertisement, saying smoking is cool. So in promoting smoking you could have the precise reverse effect of what I'm trying to do, you could cause someones death with the example you are giving others.

It's never to late to stop. Please check out my blog:

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Why is it So Hard to Quit Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 11/28/2008

I mean...there aren't many people who would consider smoking a very good idea. We desperately search for ways to stop doing it. We caution our children against it. It destroys our health. It can cost upwards of $60,000 over our lifetime to do it.

It's disgusting, it's terribly unhealthy, and it costs a fortune. No one denies any of these things, yet it still seems almost impossible to quit.

So, exactly why is it so hard to quit smoking?

Tell me if any of these sound familiar. "It helps me relax." "It helps me concentrate." "I need something to do with my hands." "I'm addicted."

The list of reasons to continue smoking is probably endless. How can this one magical substance both relax and energize at the same time? If it's just something to do with your hands, then why light it at all? And if it's such a horrible addiction, why can you go 8, 10, sometimes 12 hours at a time without one while you're sleeping without any problem at all?

The real answer to why it's so hard to quit smoking is simple. It isn't. Once you discover the real reasons behind why you smoke and the whole process is demystified, quitting is probably the easiest thing you'll ever do.

And I've been there myself, so I know what I'm talking about.

If you really want to quit, which I know you do, why not delve a little deeper into why you're doing it in the first place and see what happens? Think about it this way.  Ten or twenty years from now when you first hear the doctor tell you that you have cancer, you're going to think back to this very moment. This very moment when the choice was still yours to make. You are going to quit smoking someday. That much is  guaranteed. Wouldn't you rather it be on your own terms?

I've been exactly where you are. I was a smoker for a number of years. I thought I was more addicted than most too. I thought it was part of who I was, too. You've come this far. Why not a little farther? The answers you need are here...

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The Number One Thing You Can Do to Discover How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Now, Without Relapse

Written by V Pender on 11/28/2008

I once was like you, searching for a final way on how to stop smoking cigarettes for good. I had been a smoker for over 25 years and thought that it would be impossible for me to stop as it seemed a necessary component of my life for me to survive. But thank heavens that I found a way to stop smoking. And no it didn't involve some miracle pill, patch, or gum. And no it didn't involve me having unbearable withdrawal systems. And no it didn't involve me returning to my usual 3.5 packs per day. But what it did involve was me kicking that deadly habit of 25 years in less than 10 days... And the best thing about it, you can do the exact same, so thank yourself for finding this article and read the tips below that I used to stop smoking cigarettes

1) Put your family and loved ones first...not yourself. I found that it was a much more powerful motivation to think about my wife and kids right when I thought about lighting a cigarette rather than just thinking about how bad it was for me. Think about how much it will mean to your family and friends once you stop smoking for good.

2) Write down the money that you spend every month on cigarettes. Now multiply that by 12 and look in disgust at how much money you waste on killing yourself. Think about how much good you could do by putting some of that money in your kids' college funds or saving up for a nice trip for your family or friends. This was a real eye-opener to me once I began doing this.

3) Start jogging or lifting weights if you aren't already.> This tip was given to me by one of my 47 year old, ex-smoker friends and I doubted him at first. But once I began doing around 30 push-ups every morning and jogging a mile or two, I felt so much better and 'fresher' in a sense. I know this sounds like a basic tip but trust me.

So if you want to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes for good - without using any patches, pills, gum, or miracle-substances - then take action for yourself and your family and do what I did by visiting for a final solution to your deadly habit. you're hearing it from me, life is so much better once you quit smoking and obliterate your dependency on those little white rolls of paper and crushed up leaves. I feel so much more free and know that I will be on this earth for a lot longer...which is great for me and my kids. So take control of your life and use the same solution that cured me forever.

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Stop Smoking to Diminish Some of the Serious Health Risks

Written by V Pender on 11/23/2008

World Health Organization endorses the fact that smoking related disease is the leading cause of death worldwide than any other disease. Isn't this alarming? In fact, Smoking invites a wide range of preventable diseases. If smokers stop smoking, many health risks may vanish from this world. In the UK itself, half of the population is addicted to smoking.

Why is it that seven out of 10 smokers want to quit but cannot do so? Quitting smoking is not an easy thing. It requires strong will power to quit smoking and counter its effects. Smokers often find difficulty to give up smoking and succumb due to various withdrawal effects of smoking. The problems may range from physical to psychological in nature.

The major problems, which occur after quitting smoking, include cravings to smoke, insomnia, fatigue, headache, cough, sore throat, constipation, dry mouth, tightness in the chest, and sore tongue. Due to all these problems, people are often left with one question. Which is the best way to quit smoking?

There are many ways to quit smoking and smokers can make their choice according to their level of addiction. An easy way to quit smoking is to take help of quit smoking drugs. The market in the UK is flooded with quit smoking drugs, however to choose an effective quit smoking drug is a task in itself. The latest prescription drug, Champix is also approved for use in the UK.

Champix helps people to quit smoking in the most unique and useful manner. The main ingredient in Champix is varenicline that works in a two way process. Firstly, it strikes the receptors in the brain, which helps to reduce the cravings and withdrawal symptoms of smoking. Secondly, it helps to decrease the satiety level of smokers after smoking.

People who wish to quit smoking prefer to buy Champix in the UK, as it proves more effective in comparison with other drugs. The most common side effect of this drug is nausea. Apart from this, it is a safe drug. However, smokers can ensure right treatment and better health if they consult a doctor. To buy Champix in the UK is a very streamlined and easy process. Smokers also have the option to buy Champix in the UK through online clinics.

After the approval of Champix by MHRA, many online clinics sell this drug through the Internet in the UK. There are many websites, which have set up online clinics. People can buy Champix in the UK, while sitting in their homes. This process is quite simple and you can save lot of time and energy. It requires you to fill in a simple consultation form available on every website, which sells Champix online. To buy Champix in the UK through an online clinic proves to be cost effective too. It saves money that is spent as consultation fee charged by a doctor.

Champix has many other attributes, which can really help to make smoking cessation a reality. If smokers buy Champix in the UK, it may help to reduce the number of premature deaths due to smoking related diseases. In addition, this world may become a smoke free zone, where every one is healthy and free from health risks.

MHRA reviewed HealthExpress online clinic for smoking cessation information. Get free quit smoking consultation online and benefit of Champix next day delivery in UK.

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3 Tips on How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes For Good From an Ex-Smoker

Written by V Pender on 11/23/2008

The holiday season is on its way and what better way to approach and enjoy it, than to discover how to stop smoking cigarettes now. Trust me, I used to be addicted to those cancer sticks just like you, and let me tell you what, it's so much better now that I am off of them. I now know that I will be there for my kids so much

longer and hopefully be able to see my grandkids. it is possible to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes without spending a fortune, without having awful

withdrawal symptoms, and without returning back to that deadly habit. And best of all, just like I did, you can get rid of your smoking habit in 7 days...

I promise you. Here are some useful tips to help you stop:

1) Don't stop smoking cigarettes for yourself...stop for those whom you love.

I found that it was a much better motivation to think about my wife and kids right when I was thinking about lighting one up. I know that smoking is bad for me, but I know that it is even worse for my family as I needed to be there for all of them and not be in the hospital dying at age 60.

2) Start recording the amount of money that you spend on buying cigarettes each week if you haven't already.

Now multiply that by 52 and stare in horror at all of the money that you waste in killing yourself. That worked for me as I knew that I should be putting that money to use helping pay for my kids' college or taking my family on vacations.

3) If you don't already, begin exercising everyday.

At first, I thought that was crazy as one of my ex-smoker, 47-year old, father of 3, friends told me that it helped him. So I began jogging about 1 mile every morning and I was amazed at how great I felt everyday and I wasn't really even craving any more cigarettes. Go ahead and try it for yourself.

Follow those tips above to help you to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes now. I'll say it don't know how much better life is now without being dependent on ground up leaves rolled in paper. I love my life now so much more than before and the great thing is...I'll be able to enjoy it for so much longer.

I want you to feel the same as's not too late. If you want to take action now and stop smoking for good, then visit to do exactly what I did to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes for good. Don't do it for yourself, do it for those you love. It's time for a change in your life... just think, a week from now you could be off those darn cigarettes. Just think how great that would be for you and your loved ones.

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Stop Smoking Easily - No Longer a Frustrating Pipedream!

Written by V Pender on 11/17/2008

smoking easily. Reality, or a contradiction in terms?

Despite the
vice-like addictive grip of the smoking habit, it is, nowadays, entirely possible to stop smoking easily, quickly and
permanently using nothing but the power of the mind.

Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate Pregnancy.”

can cause a slow and painful death.”

statutory warnings as dramatic as this in the US and the UK, there are still
plenty of us who just can’t seem to give up on the habit, no matter how hard we
try. Finding a way to stop smoking easily has, until recently, been about as
challenging and elusive as the search for the holy grail.

always starts out as a curiosity quencher. After “trying it out” the first
time, the second and third times come quickly, heralding the start of a regular
routine that is very costly in more ways than one.

seriousness of the effects of smoking would, one could reason, be enough to see
people giving up in their droves. Everyone knows by now that smoking is clearly
linked to diseases like lung, mouth and throat cancer, heart disease and
premature tooth decay, to name but a few. Nonetheless, most of us who smoke continue
to persist with a habit that we tacitly acknowledge is an insidious killer, not
to mention unpleasant and potentially dangerous for those around us.


getting into the routine is child’s play, getting out of it, or quitting
smoking, can be hellishly difficult and enormously stressful. Many people will
find that to stop smoking is every bit as tough as giving up any other form of
substance abuse such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription and other drugs.

complicate matters, withdrawal symptoms are common after quitting. Mood swings,
sleeplessness, cramping of the muscles, cravings and coughing are good
examples.  These nasty effects are
often laid at the door of the substance called nicotine (or lack of it) that is
known to cause addiction. But the truth is that cigarettes have been found to
contain thousands of chemicals, many of which may be toxic and/or addictive.

to add a final insult to the injury, those who successfully stop smoking often
find themselves ballooning in weight as they distract themselves from their
erstwhile habit with frequent snacks and various other ‘munchies’. These extra
‘treats’ and the cost of the various pills, patches and gums that many use to
assist the process, often wipe out the financial gains from quitting.

in all the gloom, there is some great news for those of us – and our loved ones
– who long to ‘ditch the weed’. There are programs on the market today that can
help people to stop smoking easily and quickly, without the use of supplements
and nicotine replacement aids while sidestepping all the hated withdrawal
symptoms and avoiding weight gain. It sounds almost too good to be true but the
truth is that these programs have remarkably high success rates.

secret to success lies within each and every one of us. As it is proving to be
the case in so many areas of our lives nowadays, our very own personal belief
system and our frame of reference for what we think is possible and not
possible holds the key to making dramatic and lasting changes.

slowly but steadily, smokers are coming to realize that the search for a magic
pill, patch or drug is not the answer. The only approach that really does bear
fruit in the honorable quest to stop smoking easily is (with a little help) to
look within.

of the programs that has taken this new approach to conquering smoking
addiction and has proven to be extremely reliable and successful

, can be found
at this address: 

Source: Free Articles from

about the author

Bill is founder and owner of New Insights Africa, a company dedicated to the personal development and empowerment of others.

Bill's entrepreneurial spirit is backed by an MBA degree and 27 years of wide ranging corporate experience.

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Hypnosis to Quit Smoking - Effective Tips With Self Help Hypnosis

Written by V Pender on 11/17/2008

Can using Hypnosis to quit smoking really work in an effective way? Yes it can work very effectively if you have the right techniques and motivation. You can try some simple Self Help Hypnosis Techniques that can work very well.

Start with envisaging that no matter what you recommend to your mind is the only outcome you will obtain. With Self help hypnosis, you will undergo no yearning for that alluring "last" cigarette. This happens because you will not go down with a negative monologue ("This will not work, I'm sure" or "I cannot do this") that guarantees disappointment.

With the suggestions that you send to your mind, you will tell your body that this will be unproblematic. Consistently, steel yourself, breathe deeply and sip a glass of water. Be firm: "I will feel fulfilled, animated and able to think". You establish the results and anticipate them to be simple. Here is a manner to do this.

Loosen up, close your eyes and imagine that you have traveled sometime in the future: in this particular future time, you do not smoke any longer. Construct the image as authentic as possible, incorporating an image practice plus resonances, fragrances, feelings, and so on.

Hang around in your fantasy future when you are a nonsmoker. Pass through your future time course to an instance when you are entirely beyond smoking, where it does not trouble you at all, and afterward allow yourself a look in reverse of the time course and actually consider how simple it was for you to end your smoking. Reproduce the surprise you experienced when you became conscious that at some point you blocked any craving for tobacco, and never thought about it again.

At this moment, allow your mind to sense truly the self-determination you have. Observe what it feels like not to be held any longer by cigarettes, to be able to decide what you desire to achieve and where you want to go, not including cigarettes into your view. Allow your brain to get these future "wealth" back with you.

These are only a few of the techniques that Self Help Hypnosis can offer. You may find that they are working just great to cure your addiction or you might need some more practice. There are more advanced and effective techniques available that you can learn to master.

If you are curious and want to learn how to hypnotize others and even to hypnotize yourself check out this powerful Instant Hypnosis tactic. In my opinion It´s the easiest method to learn hypnosis within the comfort of your own home.

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Stop Smoking Easily - No Longer a Frustrating Pipe Dream!

Written by V Pender on 11/16/2008

"Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate Pregnancy."

"Smoking can cause a slow and painful death."

Despite statutory warnings as dramatic as this in the US and the UK, there are still plenty of us who just can't seem to give up on the habit, no matter how hard we try. Finding a way to stop smoking easily has, until recently, been about as challenging and elusive as the search for the holy grail.

Smoking always starts out as a curiosity quencher. After "trying it out" the first time, the second and third times come quickly, heralding the start of a regular routine that is very costly in more ways than one.

The seriousness of the effects of smoking would, one could reason, be enough to see people giving up in their droves. Everyone knows by now that smoking is clearly linked to diseases like lung, mouth and throat cancer, heart disease and premature tooth decay, to name but a few. Nonetheless, most of us who smoke continue to persist with a habit that we tacitly acknowledge is an insidious killer, not to mention unpleasant and potentially dangerous for those around us.


Whereas getting into the routine is child's play, getting out of it, or quitting smoking, can be hellishly difficult and enormously stressful. Many people will find that to stop smoking is every bit as tough as giving up any other form of substance abuse such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription and other drugs.

To complicate matters, withdrawal symptoms are common after quitting. Mood swings, sleeplessness, cramping of the muscles, cravings and coughing are good examples. These nasty effects are often laid at the door of the substance called nicotine (or lack of it) that is known to cause addiction. But the truth is that cigarettes have been found to contain thousands of chemicals, many of which may be toxic and/or addictive.

And to add a final insult to the injury, those who successfully stop smoking often find themselves ballooning in weight as they distract themselves from their erstwhile habit with frequent snacks and various other 'munchies'. These extra 'treats' and the cost of the various pills, patches and gums that many use to assist the process, often wipe out the financial gains from quitting.

But in all the gloom, there is some great news for those of us - and our loved ones - who long to 'ditch the weed'. There are programs on the market today that can help people to stop smoking easily and quickly, without the use of supplements and nicotine replacement aids while sidestepping all the hated withdrawal symptoms and avoiding weight gain. It sounds almost too good to be true but the truth is that these programs have remarkably high success rates.

The secret to success lies within each and every one of us. As it is proving to be the case in so many areas of our lives nowadays, our very own personal belief system and our frame of reference for what we think is possible and not possible holds the key to making dramatic and lasting changes.

And, slowly but steadily, smokers are coming to realize that the search for a magic pill, patch or drug is not the answer. The only approach that really does bear fruit in the honorable quest to stop smoking easily is (with a little help) to look within.

One of the programs that has taken this new approach to conquering smoking addiction and has proven to be extremely reliable and successful, can be found at this address:

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Positive Thinking And Self-Talk Strategies - Easiest Way To Quit Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/16/2008

Quitting smoking is one of the toughest things to do in life. You can divorce your wife, divorce your work, but smoking, no, sir. It is the toughest thing to do.

Many best ways are spoken about, or written about. One of them is reduce your smoking slowly over a period of days. That sounds nice to a smoker wanting to quit. But the problem is that after smoking the first, the eyes go to the clock, waiting for it to strike the hour when the next can be lit up. So that's not going to work

Another tip is to have a nicotine patch, now available. It is said to reduce cravings. Maybe. But to a smoker, it is not only having the chemical moving inside, but also the habit of holding a cigarette in hand, and a lighter in the other and going through the motions of lighting it, and drawing the puff and blowing it out! Maybe the craving is not there, but the additional habit of using it is still there.. So there it goes with the wind!

So what is the best way? Quit, Quit, Quit, Quit. Stop smoking. Period. No other method works. What is required is the mental ability and strength to just stop. No keeping cigarettes in the pocket, or in the drawer or in the washroom. Just stop buying and just stop smoking.

The craving will increase. You are more comfortable with a packet in your pocket. Just do away with that. That increases your craving. So what do you do. Just say "No".

We all know the dangers of smoking, its long term effects on our nerves, on our lungs, and that is one of the ways to get oral and lung cancer. Yet, smokers, like us, never are deterred by these 'dangers'. We have seen patients in hospitals suffering and going through the treatments, which are horrible really, and yet, we come out and knowingly and unknowingly we light up.

it's a question of habit. It is habit we picked up in the later years of school of trying to be like one of the heroes in the films, or someone we admired elsewhere. Over the years, we grew accustomed to it, and it became part of life.

For the smallest insult, we are ready to divorce our life partners, but when it comes to divorcing our habit of smoking, we find all reasons to stay with it. Never mind the ever rising prices. We stay true to our partners who do us harm!

So the way out is simple, yet difficult, and sometimes, it is impossible. DIVORCE YOUR HABIT. Just as a family divorce hurts for sometime, divorcing your smoking habit has the same effect. Instead of leaving a scar in your mind, it haunts you, and begs you to take it back. And you succumb. No, don't succumb. It will try again and again. Situations will arise when you will be tempted to get that relief - temporary - but in the end your partner may win. The point is you have to win! That problem which brought back your companion in, has not gone away because your partner came back did it? No.

So you have to talk to yourself and say No. NO. NO. You will suffer. You will. No doubt about it. The question you have to ask and answer yourself when you suffer is whether you have done the right thing. Yes. Yes. Yes. Say this to yourself every time you have the craving. And you are winning the battle. if the craving becomes too much, your brain is inducing your body to release certain chemicals which trigger the craving, and that acts as a stimulator. To overcome that stimulator and weaken it, drink a glass of water. Every time you want a smoke or that craving is driving you crazy, just drink a glass of water. It will help you in many ways. One you won't get dehydrated, and second, it will calm you! Don't believe it! Try it first, then say no.

If the craving begins, walk across to another person or to a public place where smoking is prohibited. Just involve yourself in conversation in that group, and it helps if you declare that you are there to avoid smoking. You will find that people are helping, and drawing into their conversation. Stay long enough till that craving is gone.

Tell your office head that you want to quit. And therefore there may be abnormalities sometimes. They will understand and offer support. You may be invited to come in and sit down when you have the craving.

The best way is to talk to yourself, the right part of yourself. Your brain has two sides. One is asking for you to smoke. You have to use the other part and tell it to tell its other side, no way. I am going to win, he's not going to smoke. it's like as if one part of your brain is God and the other the Devil. If you are an atheist, one part is bad, and the other is good. So use the good part to tell the other part to reform.

All these are self help, self talking objectives. This writer has been there, and now he is going to use those very same techniques to quit.

Divert your attention. Read a book, seek non smoker company. Don't let go. If alone, find a crowd or companion. Talk nonsense. Does not matter. You need not even say sorry because when you give up, you will laugh at the stories of your behavior you displayed when you were giving up.

The mantra is NO, NO, NO, NO.I am not going to SMOKE. I am not going to SMOKE. I am not going to SMOKE. Repeat it to yourself nth number of times, and DO IT. DON'T GIVE IN. TALK TO YOURSELF, YOUR FRIENDS AND OTHERS.

Abhishek is a Self-Development expert and he has got some great Positive Attitude Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 87 Page Ebook, "Positive Attitude For Unlimited Success" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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The Best Way to Quit Smoking Without Medication

Written by V Pender on 11/14/2008

Without medication, without nicotine patches, nicotine gum or other nicotine-based products, then what is the best way to quit smoking naturally? Many researchers reveal that smokers who take the task to stop smoking naturally literally get into the most difficult episode of their lifetime. There are a couple of ways to do so. You can either go cold turkey immediately and for good or you can reduce the nicotine intake coordinated with a pre-organised plan. So, let us have a closer inspection of these 2 ways to give up smoking naturally and identify how efficient they end up. Smokers who want to stop naturally are generally opposed to alternative replacements or are absolutely reluctant to expose themselves to other symptoms such as dizziness, sleep disorders or headaches that are often identified with them. For the cold turkey solution, probability of success are lower and you'll see why.

Firstly, the best way to quit smoking naturally and gradually, is to make a plan and stick to it by all means. By this I mean that you'll need to constantly decrease the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. In order to stop smoking naturally, you'll need to assist your body by alternative methods, making up for the lack of nicotine. Try to, minimize stress, and you won't have the urge to smoke so much. You can give up smoking naturally by increasing the quantity of sweet fruit you eat a day, since reduced nicotine equals lower sugar in the blood. The sugar you'll receive from the diet will compensate for the lack of nicotine, without exposing you to additional weight risks. In addition you may also assist your cause by lots of physical exercises and good water intake, since this assists you eradicate toxins from your body.

Alternatively if you think the best way to quit smoking is to just stop abruptly, you should well be prepared for some rough times lying ahead. Unless you master yourself very well and stick to your choice not to smoke, you may not succeed. As well, statistics show that this method to stop smoking naturally is likely to be distressful for your system as the nicotine reduction brings a number of cravings and is not generally thought of as the ideal way to quit. The fight to give up naturally can take you through anxiety, depression, increased stress, headaches, sweating, low energy levels, irritability and so on. You may reduce the cravings whilst you try to quit smoking naturally, by hydration, alternative relaxation methods, lots of physical exercises and even counseling.

Peter Johnson is an ex-smoker and publisher of a website designed to provide guidance about the best way to quit smoking for smokers of all ages and from all over the world. Visit his website now to get all the quit smoking support you need.

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Quit Smoking Exercises - 9 Exercises to Help You Quit Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/14/2008

The road to quit smoking is often littered with useful aids, supplements and replacement products as we are told in the media. However, many smokers opt to go 'cold turkey' only to discover that this is a difficult path to a healthier life. Many methods and techniques are at the disposal of smokers to assist them on their endeavor and among this, exercises for quitting smoking can be equally beneficial. Smoking is incompatible with a healthy active life and if you opt not to use a replacement aid or supplement, adopting a few simple exercises can greatly assist you on your path to kicking the habit.

Exercise improves mind and body functioning and well-being and this can be of assistance to beating the withdrawal symptoms of nicotine. Most smokers who decide to quit are often unsuccessful as they are overwhelmed by the craving for nicotine and experience boredom once they quit their daily habit. Exercise can address both these factors by reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms as well as keeping the mind and body occupied with constructive activity.

A smoker is at risk of cardiovascular disease due to the effects of tar and other harmful chemicals from smoking. Therefore it is essential that a smoker initially undertakes milder physical activity once they start an exercise program.

1. Walking - a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day will assist a smoker to combat the withdrawal symptoms and boredom without putting excessive strain on the body. It is preferable that walking be done in conjunction with a partner on a scenic route to prevent boredom and monotony setting in.

2. Yoga - yoga revitalizes the mind and body as it provide mild physical exercise with a relaxed mental state. Yoga should be started with the assistance of a suitable instructor who can assist with proper movements and prevent strain or injury to any body part.

3. Golf - all sport is a form of exercise with each having specific pros and cons. Golf has the benefit of limited physical exertion compared to other sports while providing a fun and distracting activity over a long period of time.

4. Swimming - swimming provides an all round physical activity exercising every part of the body. As an exercise, swimming can be altered to the physical ability of the smoker and due to its need for rhythmic breathing, it improves lung function. The effect of water and exercise can often leave one feeling

revitalized both physically and mentally which is ideal in combating the withdrawal symptoms of smoking.

5. Gym - gym provides a range of strength training and cardiovascular exercises in a social setting. This environment provides a range of exercises to prevent boredom from a specific activity while allowing the smoker the opportunity to interact with other active individuals in an exercise conducive environment.

6. Jogging - jogging is a fun and physically demanding exercise that is ideal for a smoker who has is prepared to undertake a more strenuous exercise regimen. Scenic settings and participating with a jogging group can keep a smoker focused on the activity and assist with improving mental and physical well-being.

7. Performance and endurance sports - undertaking a performance or endurance sport like sprinting, weight training or marathon running is ideal for a smoker of a suitable health status. These sports allow you the ideal exercise regimen when training and if a smoker opts to take the sport professional or participate in events and competitions, they have a goal to work towards both mentally and physically.

8. Group sports - participating in a group sport, like soccer, football and basketball can be beneficial to a smoker who is attempting to quit as these sports provide the necessary exercise in a controlled training environment while still allowing social interaction among your team mates.

9. Family activities - exercising by partaking in family activities allows you both a range of fun activities and exercises with the social support of loved ones to assist you in quit smoking.

Any smoker who has attempted to quit smoking will agree that the withdrawal symptoms and boredom experienced by smokers is often the reason for relapse. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with exercise and activity is a useful tool in your battle with smoking. Always consult with your medical practitioner before starting any exercise program.

Look up more helpful resources for helping you quit smoking at Health Exercise Pro for a positive tomorrow. Quit smoking and lose weight for a better life.

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Have You Tried Quit Smoking Clinics?

Written by V Pender on 11/11/2008

There are countless quit smoking methods available in the market to help you kick your nasty habit of smoking. Unfortunately, not all of these methods will work for you. If that is the case, do not give up just yet. You still have another option which is the quit smoking clinic.

Such quit smoking clinics can be found pretty much everywhere. These clinics have taken the idea of getting you to stop smoking to an entirely new level.

Instead of doing it by yourself with the help of friends or relatives, the people at the clinic would guide you step by step through the entire process. This interaction between smoker and the people who are trying to help prove to be quite an excellent combination.

These quit smoking clinic staff usually include the advisers, therapists and counsellors, who are well acquainted with people struggling to quit smoking. Most of the therapists or counsellors in these clinics are actually ex-smokers as well. Thus, there is an instant understanding there and definitely no pre-judgments would be made whatsoever.

The familiarity that these people have towards the emotional and physical state of every smoker can be one of the key factors as to why it works effectively. When one understands the problem, he is in a better position to help. After all, who better to support each other than the ones who have gone through and who are going through the same thing.

These quit smoking clinics help the person through the use of regular therapy sessions, counselling as well as interaction with fellow smokers and their therapists. This openness basically helps them to point out what might be causing this addiction and thus eventually lead them to a solution for it. Some of these sessions may seem daunting at first but once you get over that initial shyness and really get into it, you would realize that it can help you with feeling better about yourself.

The first phases of quitting smoking are considerably the easiest as this is the time when the smoker is the most motivated about the process. He or she would most likely be very excited and happy to have begun the process that they would probably making vows to themselves never to touch a cancer stick ever again.

However, after this phase, many would feel the need to start smoking again. This is usually due to the stress of the withdrawal symptoms. During this time, counselling and proper motivation is most needed. The smokers would have most likely developed a good trusting relationship with the counsellor by this time and it is also possible that he or she has become quite dependent on them.

Thus, during times when they have the urge to light up, the therapist needs to be there to talk them out of it and remind them of why they are in that clinic for in the first place. So, if you have tried all possible means except the quit smoking clinic, you may want to give this option a try. A quit smoking clinic might just do the trick for you.

Want to learn about the truth about smoking? Download your free report about The Truth About Smoking at today! This is an informative and interesting report which every smokers should read.

Make sure you also visit our Quit Smoking Blog to learn how to use hypnosis to quit smoking, facts on cigarette smoking, the effects of smoking and much more! Get all the tips and resources to help you stop smoking now.

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The Top 2 New Quit Smoking Drugs

Written by V Pender on 11/11/2008

Nowadays, besides nicotine patches, there are also many new quit smoking drugs that are developed. Some of these include Chantex and Zyban. These are cessation drugs that increase the success rate of smokers planning to quit by reducing their cravings or withdrawals.

Chantex is a new quit smoking drug that has been approved by FDA in May 2006. It contains the drug varenicline which blocks the effects of nicotine while providing a nicotine-like 'buzz'. It is available only through prescription and has to be taken a week before quitting smoking.

Usually, a low dosage is taken at start and which will then have to be increased after a period of 3 or 4 days. Recent studies showed that Chantex has been more effective than nicotine patches. However, some of its side effects include nausea, flatulence and constipation, headache and difficulty in sleeping, alongside with the development of nightmares.

Similarly, Zyban is also a tablet that can be made available only through the prescription of a doctor. It contains the drug called buprroprion, which has been originally used to treat depression. While its effectiveness may be lower than varenicline, it is still higher than placebo. The common side effects from Zyban include anxiety, headache, insomnia, irritability and in the worst case, seizures.

Besides using drugs or medications, there are also numerous ways to help you to quit smoking. For instance, after seeking medical attention, it would be wise to engage in other recreational activities which divert your attention away from smoking. This may include jogging, walking, meditating, gardening, sewing and knitting.

Do keep in mind that you are the one who can decide if you want to stop smoking. No amount of quit smoking drugs can help if your mind is not ready for it.

I hate smoking. Yes, I used to be embarrassed by the smell from my mouth but new quit smoking drugs helped me to quit smoking completely. I feel great and I smell much better than I used to. Find out what you can do about your smoking habit at today!

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Quit Smoking - Best Effective Ways

Written by V Pender on 11/09/2008

Smokers often say that it is very difficult to quit smoking. This might be true to an extent, however if the smokers apply the right and effective methods, smoking cessation may become a reality for all. There are many ways to quit smoking, however to find an effective method that works is a task in itself.

Smoking is like a mind game, where smokers derive pleasure only after having a cigarette. One of the effective techniques to quit smoking includes taking control of the mind. It is likely that people lose control on their mind after they become smokers.

Smokers should plan their quit smoking treatment. It is always a right step to ask for help, irrespective of the source of help. Smokers should ask their family members and friends not to smoke in front of them. Otherwise, they may succumb to temptation. They should wash their clothes properly, so that smell of smoke may not remind them about cigarettes. It also proves to be a good exercise if smokers write down the reasons why they want to quit smoking. The written record helps them to stick to their resolve.

Physical exercise is also one of the effective mediums to keep away from smoking. If the body is strong enough, it can resist the temptation of smoking and the brain may emit feel good hormones. If smokers take anti smoking drugs along with regular exercise, the results may be quick and far better.

The anti smoking drug, which is quite popular among smokers who wish to quit smoking, is Champix varenicline. This drug has become a huge success with smokers and people find it easy to give up habit of smoking after taking Champix varenicline. The main ingredient in this drug is varenicline, which works in a two way process. Varenicline reduces the withdrawal cravings in smokers after they quit smoking. In addition, Varenicline also lowers the satisfaction level, which a smoker usually gets after having a cigarette, and eventually smoker gives up smoking.

Smokers who take Champix varenicline medication should follow directions exactly as prescribed by doctor. If you use varenicline in larger amounts or for longer than recommended period, many side effects may occur. Always follow the directions on your prescription label of Champix varenicline. However, if you miss a dose of Champix varenicline, use the medication as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose of Varenicline, skip the missed dose and wait until next regular scheduled dose of Varenicline. Do not use extra Varenicline to make up the missed dose of Varenicline.

If you want to improve your chances for successful smoking cessation with Champix Varenicline, always set a date to quit smoking. In addition, start taking Varenicline one week before your planned quit date.

Smokers should not take other drugs along with Varenicline medication. Always tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you use. This may include vitamins, minerals, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Smokers should never start using a new medication without consulting a doctor.

Taking Varenicline is one of the effective ways towards smoking cessation. If smokers take it together with behaviour changes and counselling support, it may definitely become possible for everyone to quit smoking.

MHRA reviewed HealthExpress online clinic for smoking cessation information. Get free quit smoking consultation online and benefit of Champix next day delivery in UK.

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Get the Truth Behind the Quit Smoking Weight Gain Syndrome

Written by V Pender on 11/09/2008

There is a quit smoking weight gain rumour that is going around. Many smokers worry that they will gain weight when they quit smoking. But is that true? If so, why would anyone gain weight when they quit?

The reason is that over the years, smoking has dulled your sense of taste with that layer of nicotine. When you quit, your taste buds start to work again. With better sense of taste, it is no wonder that your appetite also increases.

For most smokers, the withdrawals symptoms that show up when you stay away from nicotine can be a very agitated experience. One way to stop the body urge for nicotine is to eat.

The action of unwrapping your food and putting into your mouth is very similar to smoking and provide your body with a surge in sugar that helps to keep your mind from thinking about nicotine. Unfortunately, the cravings will return once you stop eating.

That needs to be a better way to break your smoking routine. One very effective way is to exercise. Exercising not only burn off your calories but push your metabolic rate higher so that you will burn your food much more effectively.

In addition, your body will release that feel good chemical called endorphins. Doctors have even found that your body can release various chemicals that can help you stop smoking!

In fact, exercising can make you feel good about yourself and that can help to enhance your self esteem. That will definitely make you feel good about quitting smoking.

Although the quit smoking weight gain syndrome does have some truth behind it, all is not lost. Keep in mind that the risks of smoking are much too high and not quitting is putting your health in danger. People generally put on weight due the reasons above but if you can control your diet and exercise regularly, you will be fine.

I hate smoking. Yes, I used to smoke a lot but after learning about the harmful effects of smoking, I decided to give it up. I never feel so good once I quit smoking. Find out what you can do about your smoking habit at today!

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Why Smokers Should Quit Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 11/08/2008

Health tops the list of issues, which has become a matter of real concern for people all over the world. Nearly one third of the size of population in the UK dies prematurely due to smoking related diseases. The list of harmful side effects of smoking is endless. It is high time for smokers to understand the usefulness of quit smoking drugs, buy Champix in the UK, and make it a healthy nation.

Smoking and cancer

Smoking can cause serious problems that eventually result in the formation of different cancers in the body. Apart from lung cancer, smoking can cause mouth cancer, throat cancer, voice box cancer, bladder cancer, cervix cancer, stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, esophagus cancer, and leukemia cancer. If people buy Champix in the UK, many lives can be saved.

Lung cancer and smoking

People who smoke invite serious lung diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These types of diseases are called COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The serious thing about COPD diseases is that they become chronic and even worsen after some time. Long-term smokers can easily invite COPD. The best remedy for them is to take quit smoking aids and stop smoking. They can also buy Champix in the UK, which is easily available.

Smoking and heart troubles

A sizable number of people who die due to heart problems have long-formed habit of smoking. People develop peripheral vascular disease, narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to the leg and arm muscles, due to smoking. Smokers also have high risk for strokes as smoking affects the walls of the vessels that carry blood to the brain (carotid arteries). These risks become less if smokers try effective quit smoking drugs and make their life a bit longer. They can buy Champix in the UK and make this nation healthier.

Smoking and impotence

Blood vessel disease, which is caused due to smoking, can cause impotence in men. Men who smoke are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction or impotence. This problem causes trouble to almost every man. Men should buy quit smoking drugs rather than anti-impotence drugs if the trouble starts due to smoking. To buy Champix in the UK is a good option to make men of this nation strong and free from impotence.

Other problems and smoking

People who smoke over a period suffer from premature wrinkling of the skin. Other common problems include bad breath; bad smell in clothes; yellow fingers, and nails. Smokers also carry risk of macular degeneration, which is one of the causes of blindness in old age. Smokers should buy Champix in the UK or any other drug to get rid of these problems in one stroke.

Smoking and women

Smokers usually invite trouble due to the habit of smoking and if the smokers are women, some unique risks are sure to follow. Women smokers may have problems in conceiving and women who are above 35 years and use birth control pills have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and blood clots of the legs. Women smokers can take anti-smoking drugs like Champix; however, they should not buy Champix in the UK if they are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Apart from health benefits, there are monetary gains also of quitting smoking. Smoking is an expensive affair. It may surprise many smokers if they bother to calculate the total money spent on smoking in a year. In addition, if they calculate the money for number of years they have been smoking, surely, jaws will drop.

Therefore, it is ideal to invest money in buying anti-smoking drugs to get rid of this serious habit. Smokers should spend money to buy Champix in the UK or any other effective drug and then compare the costs. The total money spent to buy Champix in the UK, may be far less than investment in buying cigarettes. So, make a wise decision and you will be happier.

MHRA reviewed HealthExpress online clinic for smoking cessation information. Get free quit smoking consultation online and benefit of Champix next day delivery in UK.

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7 Herbs That Can Used to Stop Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/08/2008

There are several herbs with a traditional reputation for helping people quit smoking. These herbs exert varying effects that will ease the process of smoking cessation. Most of them can be found in either dried bulk, capsule, or liquid extract form. Follow the directions on the label for use as one of the ways quit smoking. If using dried herbs, use them only to prepare tea, and never smoke them as a replacement for tobacco.

The following herbs are the most common herbs that use as stop smoking aids:

Lobelia - which is a very powerful herb that helps to calm the mind and relax the body. It has helped many people to control their cravings for nicotine. Lobelia is also reputed to have the effect of making cigarettes taste very bad.

St. John's wort - one of the best known herbs for promoting a positive mental attitude-something people often need help with during the early phases of becoming a non-smoker.

Black Cohosh - which is commonly used by women to help them stay balanced during their monthly cycle. However, it is also known to be a safe sedative that relieves nervousness and anxiety, which makes it useful for the irritability, restlessness, and nervousness associated with quitting smoking.

Blue Vervain - which has been referred to as a natural tranquilizer and as such it can be used to calm the nerves. It can also be used for insomnia.

Catnip - which has a soothing and relaxing effect on the digestive system, and helps to relieve diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, upset stomach, and headache. Catnip also has antispasmodic properties that make it useful for abdominal cramps as well as chronic coughing. Catnip is also good for alleviating sleeplessness. Catnip's antibiotic and astringent properties are also beneficial for treating colds and bronchial infections.

Hyssop - which has the ability to help with clearing mucus congestion in the lungs associated with COPD. It also has been known to alleviate the anxiety and even hysteria that is sometimes associated with smoking withdrawal.

Korean Ginseng - which is one of the most popular herbs in the world for stimulating energy and helping the body to deal with stress. This property enables ginseng to help alleviate the fatigue and anxiety related to quitting smoking. Ginseng is known to help reestablish balance in the body's systems, which can be helpful to smokers as their bodies adjust to the absence of nicotine.

Each of the stop smoking herbs listed above play an integral role during your quit smoking process. Although they can be purchased individually, there are some stop smoking herbs have been created to complement each other and together they provide the maximum benefit during nicotine withdrawal.

To get FREE REPORT on Stop Smoking Herb, just visit to our website.

John Lam is the founder of Stop Smoking Herbs - website where review the best seller for stop smoking herbs. You can get the latest market trend and information about natural smoking cessation and quit smoking aids.

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Best Ways to Stop Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/06/2008

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things you might ever have to do. Once you become addicted to smoking, quitting can be a monumental task, and one that takes much time, effort, and determination. It can be one of the best things you ever do for yourself, and something you should strongly consider, but, you are the only one that commit to doing this-it's not something that someone else can make you do.

You probably already know all of the many reasons that you need to quit smoking. Surely you don't need reminders about the health and financial benefits to quitting. You already know that if you quit smoking, you will be able to improve and repair your health, including your heart, lungs, and overall fitness levels. You already know you can save tons of money-and with our failing economy, what better reason do you need to quit smoking? And, think about how you appear to others-nonsmokers prefer to interact with other nonsmokers, so quitting can improve your business and personal life as well. Our society is becoming less accepting of smoking, and smokers are finding themselves increasingly having to sneak around to get their fix. If you are ready to undertake the challenge of quitting smoking, then you should know about the many programs that are available to help you be successful in quitting smoking for good.

Once you develop the desire to quit smoking and you are ready to commit to the process, you should know the options that can help. Many people have experienced tremendous success with hypnosis to stop smoking. This strategy is one treatment that can help you develop the strength to get rid of the nasty habit once and for all. Being hypnotized can often help you remove the need and desire to smoke, which can help you break the habit of picking up the cigarettes every few minutes.

Acupuncture is another treatment that has shown promise for people to quit smoking for good. This is considered to be a very effective way to quit smoking, one of the best ways to stop smoking for good. Somehow releasing the energy from the targeted pressure points can help with smoking cessation.

If hypnosis or acupuncture are not enough to get you through, there are several effective medical treatments that are now available to help you quit smoking. Medications such as Zyban and Chantix can help with the side effects of withdrawal from the nicotine addiction. Using Chantix or Zyban for smoking cessation can be a way for you to get through the most difficult early stages of quitting smoking for good.

Don't let smoking keep such a hold on your life, think about quitting smoking for good. Smoking cessation is possible for you and the benefits are truly too many to list. Get started toward a healthier lifestyle today and whether you choose hypnosis to stop smoking, Zyban for smoking cessation (or another effective medication) or acupuncture, there are many alternatives to the unhealthy choice of smoking.

Colleen Lilly writes a Personal and Spiritual Growth blog at

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Can You Help Me Stop Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 11/06/2008

Are you wondering to yourself, 'Can someone help me stop smoking?' That should not be your concern as there are many different types of remedies available for smokers. All they need to work is your cooperation.

The first way to help you stop smoking is to be convinced yourself that you want to quit. Read up by searching the net or picking up health magazines and on the thousand of reasons why smoking is bad.

Once you are done, get a piece of paper and write down your personal reasons for quitting. This may include concerns like the health of yours and your loved ones and the money you could save.

Second, try to find someone who can be your quit buddy. That person may be a friend, a roommate, a family member or a neighbour whom you trust. This way you can have someone who can help remind you of your goals.

Third, try to cut back your cigarettes gradually. For instance, start week one with a box of cigarette. Then, start week two with half of it. Then, the third week with another half of it until there the box no longer holds the cigarette sticks.

Fourth, do not panic when you crave. Just stay relaxed. Review the list that you have made. Read it to remind yourself of your purpose. Then, think of the benefits of not smoking. You can start with a detoxified body, healthy lungs, whiter teeth, a fresher breath, a safer family and a safer place to live in.

Last but not least, try to shift your attention to other recreational activities like exercising. Go to a gym or take a stroll around the neighbourhood. Alternatively, choose to do household chores like gardening, sewing and knitting.

That way, you do not have to keep asking yourself, 'Can someone help me stop smoking.' This is because you will have realize that the one who can help you quit smoking is none other than yourself.

I used to be a smoker and often wondered if anyone can help me stop smoking. However, I managed to quit by doing the things I have mentioned above. You can too if you choose to.

You can pick up more tips on quit smoking by visiting today!

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Quit Smoking Tips - How to Quit Easily

Written by V Pender on 11/04/2008

Now it's been a few years since I gave up smoking but I still think of all the smokers who are trying to escape.   Here are a few of my smoking quit tips which I hope may help you escape as well.

  • Get your attitude right - giving up is not a titanic struggle, nor is it the hardest thing you'll ever do - if it was I would never have done it!
  • Be positive, forget that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine rubbish.   In a few days all physical cravings will have gone
  • Here's a 100% guarantee that when you quit the addiction there is nothing to miss about smoking
  • Giving up smoking can be a wonderful experience. Just be focussed and you'll quit, it's that simple

Giving up smoking is all in the mind, there is a very slight physical withdrawal symptom to overcome.  But these withdrawal symptoms are something smokers feel every day, as soon as you put out your cigarette they kick in and it's why you think everything is better with a cigarette.    For smokers if they are not smoking are suffering withdrawal symptoms - that is the only reason why we smokers think we'll miss cigarettes.

It's all a big mind trick and one if you understand is the only smoking quit tip you'll need.   It's a physical addiction to nicotine which makes you think cigarettes are great, that make you think they relax you.  

Cigarettes do one thing for smokers - they cure withdrawal symptoms.  That is the only thing they do!

They don't make you happy.  They don't help you enjoy a night out. They don't make anything better, what they do is remove that awful lingering craving which is your body asking for a nicotine top up.   Next time you light up a cigarette, do me a favour and think carefully about what you feel.  Which part of smoking do you enjoy the most ?  Is it the taste or the flavour, perhaps its the smell you enjoy?   I suspect there's nothing about smoking that you'll be able to pinpoint that you enjoy.

What you will enjoy is that first deep ingestion of nicotine and smoke into your lungs because that will put that little nicotine monster to sleep for a little while.  That is the pleasure of smoking - it is simply a relief from the non stop cravings that we feel when we are not smoking.  

That is the secret to understand that you can suffer withdrawal symptoms every day of your life and stay smoking or just stand up to them for a few days and escape for ever.  That is the best of my smoking quit tips, I hope it encourages you just be happy, be positive and you'll quit. 

Here's some of my thoughts on stress and smoking if you'd like to read them - Smoking stress

Hope they help and good luck!


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What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 11/04/2008

As any smoker can verify, giving up - and staying smoke-free - is one of the most difficult things to do. But if you can successfully give up smoking, it is not only one of the healthiest steps you can take, it also decreases your chances of dying from smoking or any related diseases. An estimated 400,000 Americans die every year from the effects of smoking and in general, a smoker has about twice as much chance of a heart attack as a non-smoker.

Smoking actually affects almost every part of the body - not just the heart and lungs, as is commonly believed - and the effects of stopping smoking can be dramatic and sudden. However, the human body is amazingly resilient and will begin to heal itself almost immediately. If you have some idea of what to expect after you quit smoking, it's perhaps a little bit easier to deal with the effects.

Just twenty minutes or so after smoking their last cigarette, a person's blood pressure will return to normal and after just two days of being smoke-free, the chances of having a heart attack will be reduced. The heart and lungs will begin to repair the damage caused to them by smoking. And after two days, a person who has just stopped smoking may also notice that their sense of smell and taste is more heightened - and may want to eat more, as food tastes better.

Immediately after quitting, a smoker may also experience some unpleasant symptoms which are perfectly normal - sore gums, coughing, irregularity and a temporary weight gain, which is caused by the body retaining fluids. Many ex-smokers also feel irritable or tired or find it difficult to sleep. It might make you feel better to know that these are all signs of nicotine being removed from your body - most of it will have gone completely within several days.

You will also have nicotine withdrawal symptoms and it's during the first few days and weeks after quitting that you will have to fight the urge not to smoke. Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal often resemble a mild dose of the flu and can include any or all of the following - irritability, insomnia or fatigue, headache, sore throat, tightness in the chest, dry mouth and lack of concentration. These symptoms can be unpleasant - but they will pass.

After a few weeks, the worst symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will start to diminish and the whole process should become easier. You will find that circulation improves and you may also find that walking and exercising are easier as your body readjusts to its new and healthier state. You will still probably have the occasional craving for a cigarette, but after a few weeks, it is a little bit easier not to give in.

The noticeable effects on your body will continue during the first year or so - sinus congestion and coughing will decrease and you should find that you generally have more energy than when you smoked. The cilia, or tiny hairs, start to grow back in the lungs, helping to clean the lungs, processing mucus produced by the body and generally reducing the chances of infection. However, you will have to wait an estimated fifteen years before your chance of developing coronary heart disease is the same as that of a person who has never smoked.

Of course, the longer you are smoke-free, the easier it is to stay that way. After a few months or so, the physical longings for a cigarette will have diminished to a large extent, although you need to be careful not to lapse and have just one cigarette, which may then lead to another. And the long term effects of giving up smoking are something that should not be taken for granted - a far lower chance of getting cancer or heart disease and perhaps just as importantly, a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

If you need a little help achieving this goal - you can find further tips on stopping smoking

Paul is a founder member of the site dedicated to assisting smokers that find it just that little bit too hard.

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Quit Smoking and Save a Fortune

Written by V Pender on 11/03/2008

There are many costs associated with smoking, some are obvious such as the cost of the individual packs or cartons of cigarettes, other costs are hidden, but can still place a drain on your bank account.

The average price of a pack of cigarettes is $4.49. If you smoke just one pack a day, that would cost you $134.70 a month and $1616.40 for an entire year. If you smoke more then one pack a day, then obviously your costs will be higher.

Besides the costs of cigarettes, individuals that smoke have to pay for travel to and from purchasing their cigarettes. With the high costs of gas, this can add up pretty quickly. Smokers must also pay for smoking accessories, such as matches or lighters.

Impulse purchases also cost smokers money, although this isn't widely recognized or reported. Often times, when smokers go and buy cigarettes, they pick up snacks and drinks while at the store. Five dollars here and there can add up to a lot of money over time.

The treatment of smoke related illness can also make smoking more expensive. Individuals that smoke have higher incidences of cancer, asthma and emphysema. The cost of medications, trips to the doctor's office and to the hospital can quickly become prohibitive.

Quitting smoking, while extremely beneficial to your health, can also save you a ton of money. The high taxes tacked on to cigarettes make them quite expensive. This "sin" tax shows no signs of slowing down. It is an easy way for local governments to raise money, because the majority of people have no problem penalizing smokers. Besides the actual costs of cigarettes themselves, impulse purchases and the costs associated with smoking related ailments, makes smoking very expensive. Kicking this harmful habit, allows you to get healthier and to save the money that you would normally use for smoking for a better life and future.

There are some very effective methods to help you stop smoking. However, the first and the most important step is for you to be sick and tired enough of smoking that you are ready to do whatever it takes to quit. Money can be a good motivator. Once you have decided to quit, consider nicotine patches, zyban or joining a support group. Your doctor can also be a very good resource to helping you get on the path to living smoke free.

George Key is the owner of an, a website which aims to provide information about the effects of smoking, the benefits of Quit Smoking and the most effective Quit Smoking Tips to help you stop smoking and change your life.

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Secret Effects of Smoking and Why You Should Quit Smoking

Written by V Pender on 11/03/2008

Are you addicted to smoking? I believe you are aware of the damage smoking cause to your health. well, go along with me while I tell you why you need to stop smoking.

What is addiction? The word "addiction" has been used to describe smoking and other unavoidable behaviors such as the use of heroin weed and cocaine. On the other hand, addiction is also used on obsessive behaviors such as drinking coffee, sex, eating chocolate, shopping, watching television soap operas and fanatic idolizing! There are even reports of addiction to water, cardiac defibrillators, carrots, hormone replacement therapy and other unusual behaviors.

Also The word addiction simply means that someone has develop relationships or dependence, whether destructive or non-destructive, with substances, objects, events and sometimes people.

Addiction to Smoking. So what exactly is your addiction to smoking? Well, you know you are hooked on cigarettes weed. But what you may not know is that your addiction is a subconscious connection or association to your mind and to the things you do when you smoke. To illustrate, can you simply ask yourself these questions.

1. What suddenly comes to your mind when you are having coffee? 2. What suddenly comes to your mind when you are drinking beer? 3. What suddenly comes to your mind when you are taking a break? 4. what suddenly comes to your mind when you have just finished a delicious meals?

Of course, Smoking Exactly! your daily action triggers to smoke without you realizing.

Worst still, when you repeat these actions frequently like several times a day, weeks, months or for years, your associations to smoking become stronger and stronger each time.

Think about these questions. 1. Have you ever woke in the middle of your sleep just to smoke? 2.Have you ever got so engrossed in a movie or a book that you forgot to smoke for hours and ended up in seizures? 3. Have you ever broke in cold sweat while attending a 4-hour lecture?

So how are you addicted to smoking then? In the end, your addiction is what you make it out to be. Because in the end, the ability for you to quit smoking has always been there, within the power of your mind. The question is, do you want to discover it? just discover this and you are on your way out.

Financial Consequences of Smoking. The financial costs don't stop at the cigarettes alone. You're also probably paying double or more for your health insurance. You're also much more likely to incur doctor visits and medical expenses than are non-smokers. This costs you both for the treatment as well as the lost wages from your time off from work. The value of your car and home may also be reduced, due to the odor and filth of cigarettes.

Have your personal relationships been affected? Smoking can be very offensive to non-smokers. Many non-smokers won't consider a smoker as a possible spouse. If you're in sales, smoking may be killing deals because you smell bad, or have offensive breath. People buy *you*, not just your product!. Your career may even be stunted due to excessive smoke breaks. Smokers waste many hours each week taking breaks to satisfy their habit. Don't think that your regular absences go unnoticed by your colleagues and your boss. While you're outside relaxing, your co-workers are inside working. If you were the boss, to whom would you give a raise or promotion?

Your smoking also cheats your family and friends. When you die early (the average smoker will die at least eight years earlier than a non-smoker). You rob your family and friends of--you! If you are unfortunate enough to get sick at a very early age, you also threaten your children's normal childhood, and seriously impact your spouse's life. Consider your children, spouse, family and friends when you smoke next.

Finally, don't forget that smoking cheats YOU! All of the foregoing information affects you. When you smoke, you are slowly robbing yourself.

The point of all this? Your smoking habit has far reaching consequences. Quitting smoking can erase these negative consequences and improve your life and the lives of so many other people around you. Start making plans today to quit smoking.

By Wolex Akinloye - Do you want to Know more hidden secrets to quit smoking totally and To make your break from the smoking habit easier? visit my blog

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How Does Stop Smoking Laser Therapy Work?

Written by V Pender on 11/01/2008

As you may have guessed there are tons of different ways to go about getting rid of smoking forever. Of course, as you may have also known, most of them do not last. It is said that everyone that has said that they are going to stop smoking tries 2 or 3 times before they actually win, and sometimes they do not win at all! Wouldn't it be nice if you could have a sure fire way to quite smoking in just one try? Well, what would you say if there was a way that you could do that. This is called laser therapy, and a lot of people call it laser quit smoking therapy. No matter what you call it, there is no turning down the fact that it has already helped thousands of people stop smoking once and for all. Today we are going to talk about how this laser quit smoking therapy works. We will also go more into detail about ways that it can help you!

First of all, you need to note that this kind of therapy works much like acupuncture, but without all the painful needles. With the laser, they have certain points of the body that they work on like the ears, nose, wrist, forearm and, of course, the hands. The great thing about these treatments is that they are very relaxing and completely pain free. In fact, this will be the most pleasant experience that you have ever had while trying to quite smoking! There are three main areas that this kind of laser therapy works on, and we will cover those three areas now. Also, keep in mind that this is going to do more for you than any other type of program that you may use to try and help yourself stop smoking.

The first thing that this treatment is going to do is treat the points of the body that can help you block your nicotine addiction. This, of course, is going to help you come up with the will power to stop smoking once and for all. The next thing that it is going to do is treat the diet points in your body to help you control your appetite during this time so that you do not have a lot of weight gain. As people stop smoking, they tend to eat more, and this will help avoid that. Last, but not least, it is also going to treat the stress points of your body. This will help you and the people around you not have to deal with the irritability and bad temperament that usually comes with quitting smoking on your own.

As you can see, this is one of the best ways to quit smoking once and for all. This amazing laser quit smoking therapy is the best and the easiest way to take back control of your life. Not only that, but this is a type of therapy that pays for itself. Once you stop smoking, all the money you save not buying cigarettes is going to really add up to pay off the therapy and then some.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates and writes about Laser Quit Smoking Therapy.

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Quit Smoking With Affirmations

Written by V Pender on 11/01/2008

Should we start with statistics? Should we talk about health in relation to smoking? Should we discuss the costs? How about the time wasted? No matter what we discuss about smoking, there is nothing positive to say. The problem lies in how to quit smoking. The solution:

Most smokers believe they can quit, but they don't want to. Albeit, quitting smoking can be trying at times, however, it is not impossible. In fact, quitting smoking is not all that difficult if you have the right attitude. The right attitude consists of different things: having the desire, having the will, persistence, determination, strength, distancing from any cigarette reminders, setting target date, sticking to the target date, and changing your lifestyle.

These days across North America, smokers find themselves smoking in back alleys, on the streets, away from entrances, etc. Gone are the glory days when it was cool to smoke and even doctors did, in the hospital while tending to patients. Now, smokers are plain alienated and not welcomed. There is no fun in smoking outside in -20 degree weather or going to bar and having to smoke outside without your drink. Face the facts: SMOKERS NOT WANTED! There are even cities that don't allow smoking in public. Eventually it will be illegal to smoke in your own home. The time to quit is now.

Muster up all your strength, because this is one important step that can help you quit smoking. This first step is about envisioning yourself as a non-smoker. Do this for a couple of weeks before your target date. Take time throughout each day, at least 3 times each day; picture yourself without the "smoker" label. Imagine:

  • being in your home which now smells like vanilla or whatever your favorite aroma is.
  • waking up and not running to get your coffee and the first cigarette of the day, instead you're waking up and running to get fit!
  • all the extra time you have in the morning, you can actually tidy up before heading off to work.
  • how good you'll smell and how everyone will notice your perfume or cologne.
  • your lungs clean, your skin glowing as the grey tone slowly dissipates.
  • looking up to ten years younger, because you will.
  • getting things done and not standing on a corner smoking in the unbearable cold or heat like a loser.

Start imagining a better life with the affirmation tips mentioned above. You may want to add more to that list. The trick is to run them through your mind often. The mind is very powerful and can be persuaded to believe something, anything, even quitting smoking with affirmations. This will definitely help you from your target date and on.

Isn't it time you Quit Smoking! Get more affirmation tips that will inspire you to succeed this time around and finally call yourself a NON-SMOKER. Find other valuable tips and available tools and aids that will change your life by clicking here

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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