Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

The Number One Thing You Can Do to Discover How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Now, Without Relapse

Written by V Pender on 11/28/2008

I once was like you, searching for a final way on how to stop smoking cigarettes for good. I had been a smoker for over 25 years and thought that it would be impossible for me to stop as it seemed a necessary component of my life for me to survive. But thank heavens that I found a way to stop smoking. And no it didn't involve some miracle pill, patch, or gum. And no it didn't involve me having unbearable withdrawal systems. And no it didn't involve me returning to my usual 3.5 packs per day. But what it did involve was me kicking that deadly habit of 25 years in less than 10 days... And the best thing about it, you can do the exact same, so thank yourself for finding this article and read the tips below that I used to stop smoking cigarettes

1) Put your family and loved ones first...not yourself. I found that it was a much more powerful motivation to think about my wife and kids right when I thought about lighting a cigarette rather than just thinking about how bad it was for me. Think about how much it will mean to your family and friends once you stop smoking for good.

2) Write down the money that you spend every month on cigarettes. Now multiply that by 12 and look in disgust at how much money you waste on killing yourself. Think about how much good you could do by putting some of that money in your kids' college funds or saving up for a nice trip for your family or friends. This was a real eye-opener to me once I began doing this.

3) Start jogging or lifting weights if you aren't already.> This tip was given to me by one of my 47 year old, ex-smoker friends and I doubted him at first. But once I began doing around 30 push-ups every morning and jogging a mile or two, I felt so much better and 'fresher' in a sense. I know this sounds like a basic tip but trust me.

So if you want to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes for good - without using any patches, pills, gum, or miracle-substances - then take action for yourself and your family and do what I did by visiting for a final solution to your deadly habit. you're hearing it from me, life is so much better once you quit smoking and obliterate your dependency on those little white rolls of paper and crushed up leaves. I feel so much more free and know that I will be on this earth for a lot longer...which is great for me and my kids. So take control of your life and use the same solution that cured me forever.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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