Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Quit Smoking With Affirmations

Written by V Pender on 11/01/2008

Should we start with statistics? Should we talk about health in relation to smoking? Should we discuss the costs? How about the time wasted? No matter what we discuss about smoking, there is nothing positive to say. The problem lies in how to quit smoking. The solution:

Most smokers believe they can quit, but they don't want to. Albeit, quitting smoking can be trying at times, however, it is not impossible. In fact, quitting smoking is not all that difficult if you have the right attitude. The right attitude consists of different things: having the desire, having the will, persistence, determination, strength, distancing from any cigarette reminders, setting target date, sticking to the target date, and changing your lifestyle.

These days across North America, smokers find themselves smoking in back alleys, on the streets, away from entrances, etc. Gone are the glory days when it was cool to smoke and even doctors did, in the hospital while tending to patients. Now, smokers are plain alienated and not welcomed. There is no fun in smoking outside in -20 degree weather or going to bar and having to smoke outside without your drink. Face the facts: SMOKERS NOT WANTED! There are even cities that don't allow smoking in public. Eventually it will be illegal to smoke in your own home. The time to quit is now.

Muster up all your strength, because this is one important step that can help you quit smoking. This first step is about envisioning yourself as a non-smoker. Do this for a couple of weeks before your target date. Take time throughout each day, at least 3 times each day; picture yourself without the "smoker" label. Imagine:

  • being in your home which now smells like vanilla or whatever your favorite aroma is.
  • waking up and not running to get your coffee and the first cigarette of the day, instead you're waking up and running to get fit!
  • all the extra time you have in the morning, you can actually tidy up before heading off to work.
  • how good you'll smell and how everyone will notice your perfume or cologne.
  • your lungs clean, your skin glowing as the grey tone slowly dissipates.
  • looking up to ten years younger, because you will.
  • getting things done and not standing on a corner smoking in the unbearable cold or heat like a loser.

Start imagining a better life with the affirmation tips mentioned above. You may want to add more to that list. The trick is to run them through your mind often. The mind is very powerful and can be persuaded to believe something, anything, even quitting smoking with affirmations. This will definitely help you from your target date and on.

Isn't it time you Quit Smoking! Get more affirmation tips that will inspire you to succeed this time around and finally call yourself a NON-SMOKER. Find other valuable tips and available tools and aids that will change your life by clicking here

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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