Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

How to Quit Smoking For Good - And Never Look Back!

Written by V Pender on 6/29/2009

Oddly enough, almost everybody quitting smoking wants to quit for good. It's baffling, then, why so many of them choose methods that aren't really designed to work terribly well.

Almost all quit smoking programs work on the concept of distracting you from your urge to smoke. Nicotine replacement is the most prominent here: you wear the nicotine patch to avoid the tiny physical withdrawal symptoms that trigger your mind to crave cigarettes.

Thing is, that's kind of a backwards method of doing things. You don't cure a mental problem by treating the physical symptoms, you should endeavor to treat the root cause: connections in your mind between events during the day and smoking a cigarette.

The best way to get started, then, would seem to be to start replacing things that normally make you want to smoke with, well, something other than smoking. You could do what I did for some time and gnaw on toothpicks, but that just ends up messing your teeth up. Hard candy is another classic idea, but then you end up getting fat from eating hundreds of pounds of candy every day. Not so good.

Assuming that your goal is to quit smoking without weighing more than a school bus, you need to find a way to remove your mind's urge to smoke without replacing it with something detrimental to your health. How? Easy. Make your mind realize that it can work perfectly fine without smoking.

Do non-smokers need to go out and smoke after eating lunch? If they did, they wouldn't really be non-smokers, would they? In the same vein, you don't need to go out and smoke, you just think that you do. Granted, cigarettes are specifically designed to reinforce those thoughts. If they weren't, not very many people would smoke.

Your mind is really no different than one of a non-smoker, except that cigarettes have you convinced that you need them to survive through the day. Want to remove those urges that cause you to smoke after everything? Take a look at to learn how to kick the habit!

how to quit smoking for good

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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