Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

The Top 3 Reasons to Stop Smoking Today

Written by V Pender on 12/05/2008

You know you need to quit smoking. The medical evidence is overwhelming regarding the harm that cigarettes can do.

So here are the top 3 Reasons To Stop Smoking.

Number 1 - You live longer

Number 2 - Your wife or significant other lives longer

Number 3 - Your children live longer

If that is being redundant, well, so be it. The list could go on and on and on but what is more important in your life? A cigarette? Or the health of yourself and the people that you love? Sit back and take a minute to think about that one.You know of the health risks of smoking and you know the health risks of those exposed around you. Medical professionals have been screaming them for years.

Each day more and more studies are published detailing the hazards of smoking. Cancer, emphysema, stroke and heart attacks to name just a few. Scary isn't it? Hopefully it is enough to make you quit.

Another reason to quit that I'm sure you have thought about, especially in these rough economic times is the cost. The cost not only in terms of what comes out of your pocket, but the cost to our society as well. It's been well documented time and time again the burden of all the diseases that have to be treated that are related to smoking.

Do You ever stop and think what you could do with the money you would save if you quit? Have you? Maybe a nice vacation, something for your kids, or a surprise gift for your wife. Think they might appreciate that?

But most of all, as was stated earlier, the number one reason you should quit is you live longer. If that doesn't motivate you to quit smoking nothing will.

Stop and think about all the things you enjoy about your life. If it helps, make a list on paper. Study it for a minute or two. Now stop and think if all that was cut short due to a smoking related illness. Think about the impact on your family. That should be one of the best reasons to stop smoking, your family and how it could affect them.

Hopefully it's starting to sink in. You need to quit smoking. Not only for yourself but for those you love. Granted, it's not easy. In fact, it has been documented that smoking is the hardest addiction to overcome. But also remember, there are many proven programs established to help you quit. Take advantage of them.

The most difficult part, and I'm sure you know this, is taking that first step. Throw away the cigarettes, stop buying them. Find something to concentrate on instead of lighting up. Develop a mindset that you no longer want to be a slave to nicotine. If it helps, visit your family physician and get his recommendations on a proven quit smoking program. Take action and don't procrastinate.

Focus on what it will feel like when you're finally smoke free. Food tastes better. You breathe easier and don't tire as easily. You sleep better. This list could also go on and on. You know this; it's been common knowledge for decades.Never lose sight of one of the best reasons to stop smoking because it deserves repeating. You will get to live longer and enjoy all the bounties that your life has to offer, what other reasons to stop smoking do you need?

I am happy to say that after being virtually chain smokers my husband and myself both gave up smoking 12 years or more ago!

We set up our own website in the hope that we will be able to help a few other people quit their own smoking habits and in the process save their health and some $'s

For more information, support and a ton of advice click on the link here and visit today!

Stop smoking today and change your life forever!

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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