Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Smoking is Not Sexy, So Quit Smoking Today!

Written by V Pender on 1/23/2009

div style=clear:both;/divpContrary to what you might have thought when ever you began the habit of smoking - cigarette smoking is not cool, cute or SEXY! There is nothing attractive or appealing about smokers breath, and quite honestly, the way a smokers clothes and hair smells - well, no wonder there is so much mouthwash and fabric freshener available./ppAnother consideration that makes smoking NOT SEXY, cool or cute is the health aspect. If smelling bad is not enough to make you want to quit smoking today, then how about disease and death? Do you ever wonder about how a person ends up in life having to carry oxygen with them, just so they can breathe? Was smoking the cause of their health issues? If so, would you like to ask them how long they smoked and was it worth it? Well, of course, that is really not something you can ask a complete stranger, as it might be considered rude. But, many of us have family members that are suffering from cancer, heart disease or lung disease and breathing problems due to smoking. You might be able to talk to them and see if they would advise you to quit smoking today. Not tomorrow. Do it today!/ppLife is very short, short enough without our making it shorter by bringing on a terrible disease through tobacco related products. There are some things that we can control in our lives and not starting to smoke is one of them. It is so much easier to start than it is to quit. But, if you are a smoker already, then it is time for you to face yourself in the mirror. Get a good magnifying mirror, like a 5x or even better 10x, because you will be able to see the tiny, fine lines and wrinkles that smoking causes. You will age much earlier than you should, as smoking dries out your skin and causes wrinkles around your lips. If you are going to have wrinkles around your lips, get them from puckering up and kissing somebody! Not from wrapping your lips around a filthy cigarette./ppYou can not use the excuse that you can not quit smoking because it is addictive. True, it is an addiction. The tobacco combination used today is not what the cowboys had a hundred years ago or more, when they sat high in the saddle, rolling their own cigarettes with one hand and holding onto the horses reins with the other hand!/ppPlease do not take the attitude that disease and death from cigarette smoking will somehow pass you by. Hopefully, but just in case, why not quit smoking today?/ppThere is help to break this filthy, unhealthy habit. You can find something else to do with your hands! Do IT NOW!/ppQUIT SMOKING TODAY!/pdiv style=clear:both;/divdiv style=clear:both;/divdiv style=clear:both;/divdiv style=clear:both;/divpYour healthy life is truly at risk. If you need more help to Quit Smoking Today--go to a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=http://www.quitsmokingtoday.addgs.com is a new method to help you. It works without pills, prescriptions, doctors, patches and no gum to chew. Guaranteed!! Let this be the year that you finally quit smoking. Try it. You have nothing to lose but bad health and everything to gain. You have tried all the rest, now try this! You know you really want to quit smoking. Do it now!/pdiv style=clear:both;/divpArticle Source: a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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