Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Quit Smoking With Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Written by V Pender on 2/12/2009

A doctor once told a national TV presenter that quitting smoking was probably more difficult than coming off hard narcotics such as heroin or crack cocaine. As most of us smokers have never been addicted to illegal drugs we probably can't comment on that with any real authority. Even so, those of us who have either quit or attempted to quit smoking in the past can agree that smoking cessation is certainly no walk in the park! But have the recent advancements in Nicotine Replacement Therapy made stopping smoking any easier for quitters in the twenty-first century, or is it still the ordeal it always was?

Those well meaning folks who have never been hooked on tobacco are quick to give out advice such as 'Why don't you just stop?', or 'Have you tried using a bit of willpower?' and other such helpless remarks! It's probably fair to say that only a smoker can fully relate to the phenomenon of craving and the mental obsession that grows into the very fabric of a true nicotine addict. A generation or so ago, weaning off tobacco used to be limited to the cold turkey approach. This usually meant lots of nail biting and mood swings. Fortunately, today's quitters can have a much easier time of it all thanks to the various nicotine replacement aids available.

How Does Nicotine Replacement Therapy Work?

Before outlining the various nicotine replacement therapies, let's first take a look at why we need them. The moment the body is deprived of nicotine there are certain side effects which occur to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the individual. These often include such things as tetchiness, an inability to concentrate fully, anxiety, low energy levels, and in some cases, nausea. It's hardly surprising then that so many smokers prefer to hold onto their habit than give it up. The severity and length of these withdrawal symptoms depend on how long someone has smoked, and the quantities.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) increases your chance of quitting smoking purely by removing these physical cravings and unpleasant side effects which are otherwise endured by the cold turkey approach. Put simply, NRT gets controlled amounts of nicotine into the bloodstream without the need to smoke. When the body's not craving the drug, those uncomfortable side effects do not kick in. This in turn results in a much smoother weaning off the smoking of tobacco.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Options!

There are numerous nicotine replacement therapy options available today both on the high street and under prescription. All are pretty effective and what choice people opt for is down to personal preference. It's worth pointing out though, that aside from being addictive, smoking is also extremely habit forming. If you could film yourself during the course or a single day, and then play that movie back at fast speed, you would probably be amazed at how many times that hand to mouth movement is performed during conscious hours. Therefore, folks having difficulty with both the habit and the addiction often prefer to wean off using an inhaler.

Inhalers are just one of a number of effective nicotine replacement therapies available. Other proven products are nicotine gums, nicotine patches, various tablets or lozenges, and now nicotine nasal sprays, which are perhaps the strongest form of nicotine replacement therapy available to smokers. If in doubt, consult a medical professional who will surely help you to make a more informed decision.

If it's to be, it's up to me!

Perhaps the most crucial ingredient for successful smoking cessation is a positive and determined attitude. Those people, who quit for someone else, i.e. nagging spouse, boss, workmate etc, stand less chance of staying stopped. It is only when you yourself want to stop smoking more than you want to continue, that you will kick the habit for life. Support from family and friends, and a good stop smoking aid, are perhaps vital to your attempt, but all of this is pretty useless unless your heart is in it. Remember to remind yourself of that age old saying; If it's to be, it's up to me! Good luck!

Find out how easy it is for smokers to Quit Smoking with Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Read the facts on how it works and how long it takes before the physical craving has gone completely. Also included are some great Quitting Smoking Tips for Beginners for those desperate to kick the habit.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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