Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

When Is The Best Time To Quit Smoking? – Whenever!

Written by V Pender on 10/11/2009

If you are a smoker that's tired of the whole practice, you've probably wondered when is the best time to quit smoking? Well, the answer to that question is: Whenever you really want to. Ask yourself the following questions. Can you really think of any reasons to continue smoking? What is it that you'd be abandoning? What is there to profit by not smoking?

The crucial thing to know about smoking is; it is a decision and a choice. You smoke because you've decided and chosen to, plain and simple. Once you take the time and think about it you'll realize that you can decide and choose to stop smoking as well. No one or no thing can make you stop smoking if you don't want to. You must be willing and ready to quit for your own unique reasons.

When you make the decision and choose to give up smoking you will do so and it will be easy. Preparing to stop smoking and trying to pump yourself up for it can be very challenging, nerve-racking and just plain pointless. Every smoker comes to a point when they've, finally had enough. When you've gotten to your point, you will have all of the enticement you'll ever need and you can make the decision and choose to stop smoking once and for all.

You will feel the exhilaration of knowing that you are in control of your own body. You will also feel a hankering for the nicotine that you will be depriving your body of. This is to be anticipated. However, your perseverance to be the sovereign of your own body and your new found independence will give you the power to triumph over the urge to smoke. You will know the answer to the question, when is the best time to quit smoking?

Do not give up! Even if you have a weak moment and smoke a cigarette, you can always quit again. Just because you smoked a cigarette doesn't mean that you have to continue for another 5 or 10 years. Simply decide to give it up again. You must remember that you have the ultimate control over your own body. The hankering for nicotine will diminish more and more, the longer that you stay off of the cigarettes. Therefore, it will be easier to give up smoking as more time goes by, without the intake of nicotine.

Did you know that you could cut the time of craving nicotine in half by detoxifying your lungs? Once you have cleaned your lungs of the tar and nicotine, the cravings will cease forever.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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