Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

How to Quit Smoking - Using One of the Ignored Psychological Methods

Written by V Pender on 12/16/2008

As far as the question of how to quit smoking is concerned, there are many methods: herbal quit smoking techniques, quit smoking laser therapy, music and relaxation therapy, Allopathic; and quit smoking aids.

There is another method which was overlooked by almost everyone. The method is from the psychological field and is being used to treat several mental disorders since centuries: The cognitive therapy. Nobody thought of applying the method to quit smoking help until a few months ago. As this method was introduced by psychologists to help quit smoking, the results have been positive. Many people are opting for the method even if it is a longer period counseling method. There is some predefined number of sessions which you may attend twice a week or daily as per your convenience and based on the results of the sessions, the total duration of the treatment is determined.

The Cognitive therapy was basically used in patients with some sort of fear associated with something. It was also used to change the behavioral patterns of people. The method is very effective. It can keep you off smoking cigarettes for two to three years. If you get habituated to the healthy lifestyle in between, you may not need any more counseling. Three years is a long time to bring ample changes in a person's lifestyle. You may start liking the way you enjoy your food, your smell power increases after you quit smoking. Initially there may be some withdrawal symptoms if you have been smoking too much for a long time. But then these therapists offer you with quit smoking help which reduces the effect of withdrawal conditions.

Withdrawal symptoms are the symptoms that appear if you suddenly stop something addictive. In case of cigarettes, it is quite less and can be some frustration, anger or some uneasiness. Your therapist helping you to quit smoking cigarettes will help you with controlling these symptoms. So, what is this cognitive therapy about? You know that a child learns things based on his environment. As he notices two things at a time, both of the two things get associated with each other and are stored somewhere in the brain. Later when the kid recalls or sees one of those things, the second item too is recalled automatically.

When your therapist offers you quit smoking help, he uses the same concept. First of all, you are presented with the environment containing the cigarettes' smoke. While you are in the environment alone, you are given some sort of uneasy or bad feeling that get associated with the smell of cigarettes. This is one of the best answers to the question of how to quit smoking. After successful completion of the sessions, whenever the person tries to light a cigarette, he recalls the bad experience that immediately repels his urge of smoking.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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