Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Willpower to Quit Smoking - How to Get It

Written by V Pender on 2/01/2009

First of all there must be an honest determination to stop. While the quit smoking aids and various other programs have helped some, without the will power to quit smoking they will have no useful effect at all.

When all is said and done it is still good old fashioned will power that is your best ally in winning the battle to stop smoking. It costs much less money than any of the other programs out there and it is available to anyone who wants it.

Even though it is well documented that smoking is expensive and detrimental to one's health, as well as the health of those around you, it remains true that the basic reason people continue to smoke while claiming they want to quit is due to a lack of will power to quit smoking.

Compounding the problem is the mercilessly addictive power of nicotine. Nicotine destroys any will power to quit smoking. When inhaled, nicotine reaches the brain within 15 seconds and the smoker immediately feels a nicotine rush. It is this feeling of satisfaction and pleasure that keeps the smoker coming back again and again for another fix, another hit, another taste of pleasure.

For any one to successfully kick the smoking habit, she must deal specifically with the two issues of nicotine addiction and the will power to quit smoking. Let's take a quick look at will power

Willpower: One source of will power is confidence. A person who is convinced he can stop smoking will have more will power than the person who feels it will be impossible to quit. We gain confidence through success. If you can succeed in resisting a smoke just once, you can refer back to that small victory as a source of strength and confidence when the next urge to smoke comes along. You tell yourself that if you went without smoking at 9:00am this morning, then you can also resist now at 12 noon.

The confidence you gain through your series of small victories will translate into will power to quit smoking. Getting your first victory is the key. You can become an unstoppable force if you will just get started.

If you want to base your first victory on some cold hard facts about smoking, here are just a few to get you to your first victory:

1) Every 6.5 seconds, someone dies due to smoking - WHO (World Health Organization) (That's 1.3 billion world wide - 443,000 are Americans (Center for Disease Control) - 50,000 of them are victims of second hand smoke

2) 40 years of research reveals that 1 out of every 2 smokers will eventually die as a direct cause of their habit - Martin Vessey, Department of Public Health, Oxford University

3) Lung cancer in women has increased over 300 percent in the United States since the "You've come a long way, baby" advertising campaign.

4) Smoking women give birth to underweight babies - Medical Department of Japan's Tohoku University.

5) "People who use cigarettes have the same problem as heroin users. Both groups have a problem of control from morning to night 365 days a year." Dr. Robert Dupont, former director of the United States National Institute of Drug Abuse.

Thousands of others before you have taken the journey toward becoming a non smoker and have arrived safely and successfully at their destination. You can too.

An in depth discussion and very specific instructions on gaining the will power to quit smoking and overcoming nicotine addiction are available in the book "How To Quit Smoking When You Just Can't Stop".

Send an email to with 'give me the willpower' in the subject line for details on how to obtain your copy. Highly recommended for anyone who is sincerely ready to quit smoking.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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