Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

How to Give Up Smoking - Why Popsicles Can Help You Quit Smoking Now

Written by V Pender on 4/02/2009

For almost twenty years, a part of my daily routine was to smoke cigarettes. When I finally decided to learn how to give up smoking, I was unprepared for the various withdraw symptoms that occurred.

Most smokers are aware of the withdraw from nicotine that will occur, as well as changes that are required in social settings. However, what I was surprised to discover was that the oral fixation addiction was almost as powerful as the nicotine withdraw itself.

As I went through the process of learning how to give up smoking, I of course made a small investment into a stop smoking program that treated the nicotine and exercise portions that are vital to success. However, I could not get over the incredible urge to have something in my mouth or hanging on my lips! I know it sounds strange, but in research, I found this to be a common problem among many people looking to stop smoking.

For a while, I had not idea how to solve this problem, until one day it hit me - popsicles! By sucking on a popsicle several times a day, I could easily satisfy the craving and feeling of have a cigarette between my lips. The wonderful flavors and satisfaction of a popsicle worked like a charm for me. I probably went though 400 popsicles during my quest to stop smoking, however, the cost of keeping these on hand far outweighed the cost of a carton of smokes.

By treating all aspects of the withdraw, from nicotine replacement gum to popsicles for the oral fixation, I was able to quit for good. It has been over a year smoke free now for me. 

The exact program I used for the nicotine addiction was the CigArrest program. This program is 100% natural, meaning I was not replacing the nicotine from a cigarette with the nicotine from a gum or pill. The natural supplements the program offered really help calm my cravings, and they also provided a support structure and vitamin regiment that started repairing my lung capacity.

To get more information on how to give up smoking, including a free 30 day supply of CigArrest products, you can visit this stop smoking website: How to Give Up Smoking.

For the popsicles, I actually used the Flav-o-Ice brand. I found the size and shape of these freezer pops to be the most satisfying for my needs. Whatever method you choose, now is a great time to stop smoking.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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