Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

Programs to Quit Smoking - Tips on How to Give Up Smoking (This Time For Good!)

Written by V Pender on 4/02/2009

Trying to find simple yet effective programs to quit smoking is more difficult than it sounds. Millions of smokers each year decide that this is the year they will learn how to give up smoking for good. Some may last a few days, others a few weeks. Sadly, most people will fail and return right back to smoking on a regular basis.

The problem is that there is seemingly not a guaranteed method of smoking cessation that will work for anyone and everyone. However, I can share with you a few tips and strategies that have worked for me.

First, do not make the mistake of going on a program to quit smoking that replaces cigarettes with another nicotine based product. Most gums and lozenges offered today contain nicotine. Sure, this will help cure your cravings, but as nicotine is the addictive part of the cigarette, you can become addicted to the gum instead. And nicotine gum, my friends, is certainly not cheaper than cigarettes. Many people go back to smoking because the nicotine addiction was not cured, and it is cheaper to smoke rather than buy expensive gum all the time.

The key here is to find a program to quit smoking that is homeopathic, and contains no addictive substances.

Second, you will need to also treat the oral fixation that comes with cigarette addiction. What has worked for me in the past is to replace smokes with pretzel sticks. You can even break them up into normal cigarette shapes and put them in an empty pack. When the urge hits, take out a pretzel instead! The oral fixation is satisfied, and you are working your way to breaking the smoking habit.

Use these two tips to help you on your way to a smoke free life. I have found that the program to quit smoking offered by Cigarrest to be extremely effective.

This particular program offers all natural, addictive nicotine free gum and lozenges, as well as a complete support system to get you over the hump. By treating both the psychological addiction and nicotine addiction, Cigarrest gives people a real chance at success, without becoming addicted to something else.

Cigarrest is currently offering a FREE 30 day trial as well.

To get started on your way to a smoke free life, get more information on the complete 30 day trial by visiting There is a complete listing of free offers, including the Cigarrest 30 Day Trial.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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