Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

5 Reasons to Stop Smoking

Written by V Pender on 10/30/2009

I am going to give you 5 reasons to stop smoking. As an ex smoker, I know that sometimes a simple nudge in the right direction can be all the incentive we need to finally quit smoking. My nudge came 15 years ago when my daughter told me I would not be allowed to hold my first grandbaby if I still smoked. I quit the same day she made that statement. I admit it was rough and I needed help to do it but it can be done! I sincerely hope when you read my reasons to stop smoking you will find one that gives you the incentive to quit. 

1. Health

Within twenty minutes of taking your last puff on a cigarette, your body will begin healing itself from the damages of smoking. It is a great feeling to wake up every morning knowing you are healthier than you were the day before.           

2. Cost

Depending on where you live, the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $4.50 to $5.00. However, nicotine addiction is costly in more ways than just the initial purchase. Smoking could also cost you a job since many companies are turning smokers away. There is also the additional expensive of trying to keep your home, car and clothing from smelling like an ashtray. 

3. Self Esteem

Today's smokers are made to feel like second class citizens. Your self esteem takes a beating when others look down on because of your addiction. 

4. Sex

Smoking may have been sexy back in the day of Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn but we all know that no longer holds true. 

4. Freedom

What a wonderful life when you no longer have to worry about being chained to a pack of cigarettes. Never again to worry if a restaurant has a smoking section or whether or not your friends will let you smoke in their homes. Go to work and forget about how many puffs you can get in on a fifteen minute break. Never again search the sofa cushions for enough change to get a pack. Walk or run without feeling like your lungs are going to explode! Enter into any social situation and know you look and smell great! 

We know it is not easy to break a nicotine addiction but it can be done. When I quit I used a nicotine replacement aid. It worked for me and one can work for you. Find your reasons to stop smoking and then arm yourself with whatever aid you need to help you reach your goal!

Discover your Reasons to Stop Smoking!

Take advantage of this free trial offer of a Stop Smoking Aid that will fit your lifestyle!

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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