Stop Smoking Tips

If you're interested in trying to quit smoking, you're probably looking all over the place for a decent list of stop smoking tips.

What Happens When You Stop Smoking?

Written by V Pender on 10/16/2009

Giving up smoking might not be as severe as you fear, and for some it may pass within a few days. However, the side effects of quitting smoking are more rigorous as your body start to recover from the damage caused by smoking. For example, a wet chesty cough means you're getting rid of the rubbish in your lungs and it’s important not to be afraid of what may happen to you when you give up smoking. You need to focus on the positive changes while the side effects of quitting smoking. Most smokers experience some withdrawal symptoms when giving up smoking. These vary from one person to another and can include irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, coughing, restlessness, disturbed sleep and mouth ulcers etc. You don’t need to worry in this situation, and may use some quit smoking help like E Cigarette. The good thing is that your body starts feeling the benefits as soon as you’ve smoked your last cigarette.

The large majority of smokers report that they want to stop but almost nine out of ten smokers state that they want to quit because of a health concern. After health reasons, the next most common reason given for wanting to give up is a financial one. Financial issue sounds quite obvious, because this is one of the reasons that people are switching to E Cigarette. E Cig as it can be refilled by E Liquid is quite cost effective in comparison to tobacco cigarette. Probably around half of all smokers make at least one attempt to stop in a given year but only about 2-3% of smokers succeed in the long term. It is not clear why some attempts to stop succeed and others do not. Smoking fewer cigarettes per day, not needing to smoke first thing in the morning and not suffering from mental health problems, or other addictions are favorable signs.

Many smokers continue smoking not through free choice but because they are addicted to cigarettes. A large part of this addiction arises from dependence on nicotine delivered rapidly to the brain with each puff. Nicotine complied with the established criteria for defining an addictive substance. Addiction does not mean that it is impossible to stop doing something; it just means that there are powerful urges and needs that have to be overcome in order to do so. Anything that can strengthen the resolve to resist these urges and needs or reduce their frequency or intensity can help in overcoming the addiction.

Medications aim to help smokers to stop by reducing the chemically-driven need to smoke while at the same time not themselves providing the same satisfaction as smoking and so not becoming the object of dependence. The assumption is that all the time that the smoker is not taking in nicotine from cigarettes the brain is gradually getting back to normal so that when the course of medication is completed, most smokers will be able to deal with the motivation to smoke without help.

Bryan is currently working on a quit smoking awareness program, and conducting researches on smoking alternatives, tobacco alternatives, E cigarette, e liquids and other areas for quit smoking help.

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Stop Smoking Tips

If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to quit smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

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